My Mpoukitsa “Tiny Bite”

My Mpoukitsa “Tiny Bite”

by Eliza

Abour 2 years ago, a tiny tiny kitten came outside my work place meowing (probably for food). She was the tiniest kitten i have ever seen, and also skinny at the time since she was stray.. So i brought her home 🙂 Because of her size i named her “Mpoukitsa” which in greek means tiny bite 🙂 She lives with me, my 2 maine coons, my poodle and my stray colley-something dog 🙂

She is the most amazing cat personality i have ever seen and by far the healthiest.. My maine coons had troubles with their health and pregnancies but not Mpoukitsa! ever! she even gave birth to six adorable babies 🙂 I love purebreeds, but i wouldn’t trade Mpoukitsa for any cat in the world 🙂


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My Mpoukitsa “Tiny Bite”

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Aug 10, 2009
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

What a lovely little story and I love your cat’s name. It sounds like you have a very happy home of cats and dogs.It’s kind people like you who make the world a better place.

Aug 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

It is nice to hear from Greece. Thanks for sharing your story which I enjoyed. I’ve got a moggie too and I think they are the best. I also feed a stray boy who is very reliable and strong. And thanks for making the life of a tiny cat better.

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