My Munchkin Cat Na Na

My Munchkin Cat Na Na

by Zoe
(Taipei, Taiwan)

A few months ago, I fell in love with a cat with short little legs. Her name is Na Na.

Her father is a Munchkin and her mother is a Scottish Fold. She is the most playful kitten I've ever met. Bold and full of energy. I even can take her out for walks in a rabbit leash. She's not afraid of dogs or noises from cars or people.

At home, she jumps around by hoping on to the furniture. She loves standing on high places. And she can run from one floor to another in just seconds.

She's really agile. I have 2 other cats at home. A Scottish Fold and an American Curl, they all get along great.

I love my Munchkin, she's 4 months old right. She's sitting right beside me now while I am typing this. She's so cute!!


Hi Zoe.... It is great to hear from Taiwan and what a gorgeous cat you live with.

And you take nice photographs too. So you are right at home on PoC!

Come back with some more photos and commentary if you have time. I would love to see and hear about your Scottish Fold and an American Curl.

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My Munchkin Cat Na Na

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Sep 22, 2010
by: Sylvia Ann

Zoe - your cat is adorable, and you should be a professional photographer (if you're not one already). She has such a thoughtful, wistful expression.

And sounds like she has a fabulous mom.


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