My Persian Cat Is Limping — Please Help


My Persian 4 month old kitten is limping and seems to be in pain when I touch or hold her left leg, although sometimes she is so active and doesn’t seem bothered at all…. its been two days now…Any ideas?


Hi Marck.. Two possible causes come to mind immediately. But that does not mean that one of these is the cause.

Persian can be predisposed (more likely) to inherit a condition called Feline Hip Dysplasia (see Persian cat health problems). You may have heard about it, The hip joint – where the top of the leg connects with the hips – is misshapen and this causes lameness and possible pain.

The other possible cause is a simple injury. A sprain will self heal. As your cat is functioning more or less normally it can’t be that serious if it is a break of sprain or torn ligament etc. But a vet visit should be made.

This makes me think it could be Feline Hip Dysplasia. But that is a guess and the only person who can diagnose properly is a good veterinarian. Also your cat is very young and hip dysplasia probably affect older cats normally.

Good luck.


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