by valerie
My red tabby with big bushy tail thick winter coat and full ruff who I think is a runaway siberian
Me and my neighbors saw this cat out a lot last summer and realised that he was left out to fend for himself so we were both feeding him as he was quite thin but fairly large for a young cat.
We both spoke to the owners who insisted they were feeding him and told me that he ate then went out, how inconsiderate of him !!
I decided to take him in and a friend told me that another friend of hers had a cat just like this and she had paid £500 for her and that she is a Siberian cat and I must say I had never seen a cat with a big bushy tail like that.
I had him neutered and microchipped so it would seem that he had not been sold without being chipped so possibly is a runaway as that does happen.
He is really chunky now and lovely with his ruff and winter coat he loves to be out in the snow !!
Update 9th Jan 2013. I have a couple of new pictures:
wow I managed to resize the photo lol
I hope you don’t mind me asking for health advice for my cat Gabby who is 9 years old,has always been very fit but is now limping a bit. Looks like arthritis in her left back leg. It’s not too bad at the mo so I googled it up and there are some things that help but she isn’t complaining so do you think I should give here suppliments to help.If it was worse I would of course take her to the vet thanks for any feed back