Here is Gabriel. I am fostering him. He is certainly semi-feral. He is very uncertain about humans — correctly 😉 . It is going to be about patience. A lot of patience. Here he is hiding under a bedside table. I can’t get him out and I won’t try. When he is hungry he’ll ask me and come out but in the meantime I check up on him every 20 minutes. He has water and if push comes to shove I’ll put some food down for him. Certainly overnight I will put down some food. It is going to be about reward based training to socialize him. Any advice?
He is a nice looking tabby cat. Probably a mackerel tabby. He is quite stocky. He licked my hand when we drove back while he was inside the carrier – hopeful sign!
He now hisses at me 😉 In true wildcat-style anything fast moving disturbs him. It has to be super-slow and calm.
I had a feral kitten in the litter of LAILA, he was very very rude. He bit me 3 times within 5 minutes on my hand and my hand started bleeding. I enjoyed that wild manner but I never stopped to pick him up and after the third attempt, he was used to my touch.
I never got consulted from a doctor because I did not care about the swellings and blood. And I knew it well, with these bites I could never turn to a CAT MAN (like SPIDER MAN got bit by a spider). But I was wrong. I really turned into a cat man. I cut my nails every Friday now, because I scratch my two little daughters when they do any harmful play to each other. They look at me as to say”what now?” I hiss on them. SSSsssshhhh…stop playing in this way, you will get injured.
Well this was a bit joke with respected friend Michael Broad <3
But congratulations! Thousand claps, and many hugs (if people of ENGLAND won't mind it) 😉
This kitten Michael, is the friendliest of ever been. I bet on this. I was wondering how old he is?????
If he is less than 8-10 weeks old, then let him roam free in your home and discover his new place. Let him do what he wishes to go on. But keep as same eye as a tigress do with the cubs. Tame him according to a house hold cat. never let him out. FERAL means FERAL in blood. The DNA of a feral kitten is the same as his ancestors so maybe not this kitten but his next and then next generation will become a pure household cat. NEVER EVER LET YOUR FERAL KITTENS OR CATS OUTSIDE, let me say it again, NEVER EVER! … Congrats again and I pray for him and you MICHAEL, NOW be sure and hard to adopt him, means you are doing the best love giving job if he stays to you, ONLY YOU. His eyes tells me something, YOU BOTH ARE BORN FOR EACH OTHER and don't miss this time, don't let him go <3 <3 <3 🙂
Sylvia…appreciate your views
For me its about responsibility. I asked my friend to look after my foster cat Mr Jinks so we could take a short break that had already been paid for. She has had cats over the years and is sensible so I thought all would be ok. Jinks was in a playpen with the top covered over with boards and I said to my friend ‘make sure you weigh the boards down because if you don’t he will get out even though he has an external fixator on his leg’ well….. she didn’t and he did. she found him the next morning stuck down the side off the bed with me 180 miles away. We drove back cutting our break short.
A visit to the vets showed that the ex-fix had moved so 3 weeks of care down the drain in just one weekend eventually causing the leg to heal crooked turning a healing time of 8 weeks into 6 months.
I’ve learnt my lesson the hard way and I will never trust anyone again with my rescues and fosters.
This Sylvia is why when I foster I lock the door to the world and do it myself its my responsibility and therefore only me to blame if anything goes wrong.
Thank you Kevin for your advice. He is a beautiful kitten if only I can get a chance to see him 😉 . At the moment he hides almost all the time and I have to use all my trickery and guile to get him to come out. This is going to be slow process and patience will be my guiding motto 😉
what a beautiful kitten I love him , but there’s no advice I can give you as most of the other comments correctly cover every angle so just be yourself go about your routine and he will join in when he is ready I personally would leave dry food down 24/7 and only feed wet tasty food when your close by and split these into little and often hope things work out for both of you I know you will not give up on him
I have never experienced a cat like him. He is simply totally unsocialised. Basically a wild cat.
He does look more than semi feral, those eyes are so wary!