My Strange Grey Ghost Kitty
by Racheal W.
(Waynesburg, Ohio)
Grey Ghost in his favorite spot
I found this cat around my grandmother's house as she had been feeding him outside for years. In exchange he guarded two stray kittens from other cats and raccoons.
Now he was a house cat as he had already been fixed prior to showing up at my grandmothers. He is very well mannered and very large as I have tried to show in pic though it still doesn't really show his true size well.
He is very much a lap cat, loves being on his back especially cradled if you don't pick him up he leans against you digs in claws so as not to slip and goes lax and insists on giving kisses on your mouth only after you let him wrap his huge paws around your neck for a hug. He will not except a kiss any other way and you absolutely can not kiss him on the head, lol.
I call him Grey Ghost, for his eerie way of finding himself inside a closet or cupboard that is completely shut and so not open-able by him.
I have set up cameras to see what is going on but there is nothing on the tape but in the morning he is crying to be let out.
His meow is more of a cooing sound, and when he is fixated on something and you try to touch him he sort of flattens down in a weird way that makes his for look almost shimmery translucent silver grey.
Best way I can describe it like he is almost not there suddenly, very strange. Two hands needed to lift this guy. His weight is at almost 20lbs. He is a very sturdy, very long, solid cat, surprisingly quick and fast turn reflexes for his size.
Has an almost regal personality with one paw taken up the center of my hand and I can palm a b-ball! I have had several different breeds before mixed and pure but nothing like this guy, really do not think he is a mix, I did however see one recently that is almost identical to him but owner didn't know breed.
Hoping you could tell me who he is and if his eerie behavior is common for his breed or do just have a strangely unique cat.
Hi Racheal.... If he is a purebred cat he is likely to be a Nebelung, a long haired Russian Blue. The shimmering silvery grey coat you describe fits the description. The trouble is that they are rare and not as large.
The coat is correct it seems. The light reflects of the guard hairs causing the misty-like appearance.
You seem to know cats well and you say you don't think that he is a random bred cat. I know what you mean. Purebred cats do look different.
So, as he is grey/blue and shimmers the only purebred cat with this description is the Nebelung.
Either that or he is a random bred cat with the same coat as a Nebelung. You do get some unusual and very classy looking random bred cats.
By random bred I mean mixed genetics or mixed breed, what you refer to as a "mix".