My Tommy Is So Dear To Me

My Tommy Is So Dear To Me

by Racheal



Well I just wanted to write about my new addition to the family, Tommy! I never imagined that I would be a cat person because I love dogs. Well, my sister bought me Tommy to keep me company. At first I was a little skeptical because the cats I knew were not very nice.

But I was so wrong. Tommy is the most affectionate cat I have ever seen.

As I'm typing this he is sleeping on my stomach and I wont dare move and wake him!:).

He follows me everywhere and must sleep on top of me every night which is so funny to me.

I just wanted to add my baby to your wall because he is a domestic cat that is so dear to me...


[Hi Racheal... Tommy is now on the wall as you say and he looks really nice.

I am glad that you have become one of us...the cat people...

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My Tommy Is So Dear To Me to Moggie Cats

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My Tommy Is So Dear To Me

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Mar 21, 2011
Nice kitty
by: Anonymous

hey Rachael, your Tommy is very handsome! I love the super-white hair he has on his chest, its such a nice contrast! Most of our family pets are cats, although we have an eclectus parrot which absolutely drives our cats nuts! I don't know why birds and cats can't get along better, but maybe if you raised them alongside each other it would work...

Feb 16, 2011
like my barn cat
by: Jenny

extremely cute cat. It really reminds me of one that I had as a kid that I found in a friend's barn. She was really cute, but extremely ferocious to other animals.

Mar 22, 2010
by: Bob

Funny how they change you, isn't it? My father used to be a cat hater. I mean he REALLY hated them. Until I got my own house and cats. Every time he comes to the house and I see him playing with the very kind of animals that he used to hate, I have to laugh. Here's this tough old guy who has his nicknames for my cats and tells people about them like they're his grandchildren! And the funniest part is that when I got Dodge, my feral, my father was the ONLY person other than myself that he would associate with!

They have a way about them, they know what they're doing.

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