My Wegie

by Bob Whipple
(Lynn, MA, USA)



My wife and I live in the USA and we went all the way to the UK in Southampton to buy are baby.Yes she is a pedigree with papers but we had her spade.

She is an indoor cat only.

My wife and me love her so very much. She follows my wife everywhere.

She sits and watches her crochet, or pay the bills, and she sleeps with us. I really wanted to just show her picture.

Don't faint when you see her.


Hi.... I just fainted...Seriously, she is a very glamorous looking cat, what we would call a true "star" of the old kind if she was a human.

Thanks for sharing Bob. I would be interested to know why you chose to come to England to adopt a Norwegian Forest Cat bearing in mind the number of breeders in your country. But as I live in London, England, I am pleased that you did.

The American nickname of this cat breed, "Wegie" rhymes with "squeegee" and comes from the center of the word "Norwegian".

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My Wegie to Norwegian Forest Cat

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My Wegie

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Jan 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

Your cat is just like mine except mine is gray.Anyway your cat is so cute!

Apr 04, 2010
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Bob. She looks absolutely gorgeous and well worth travelling to Southampton for.
One of the great things about Norwegians is that they tend to get older than many other breeds. Our Milly turns 16 this summer - and her mother too is very much alive in her 17th year. 🙂

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