This is Lit’l Boy, a beautiful kitty owned and loved by Elaine White in Rockwell, North Carolina. Lit’l Boy was rescued by Barbara Hart from Rowan County Animal Shelter back in January 2017 after he was turned in as a stray.

Elaine found Lit’l Boy several years ago. He was a stray who was too beautiful to be an outdoor cat but he was scared to death. Someone had been mean to him and it took awhile for Lit’l Boy to learn to trust again.
Lit’l Boy trusted Elaine but he was afraid of others. He turned from an outdoor kitty into an indoor/outdoor kitty. Unfortunately, after rain hit the area for several days Lit’l Boy was nowhere to be found. Elaine searched the woods and canvassed her neighborhood looking for him.

Then Elaine saw Lit’l Boy on the Rowan County Animal Shelter page. His available date was January 23 and that was the day Elaine went to the shelter, where she learned he’d been rescued by Barbara Hart.

When Elaine contacted Barbara she was told Lit’l Boy was theirs now and that the cat they had wasn’t her cat. Elaine offered to pay for him. Anything to get him back home where he felt safe and loved. Barbara even agreed to meet with Elaine so she would see the cat they had wasn’t even her missing cat, claiming the coat pattern and eye color was different on the cat now in their rescue.

The meeting never took place. Lit’l Boy is still out there somewhere. Elaine would like to find him and is asking those on social media to share his photo in the Rowan County area. Please do all you can to help her find her cat. It may not be possible legally to get Lit’l Boy back (I don’t know what the law is in NC), but at least Elaine can get closure in knowing he’s alive and safe.
sorry my mistake it was the 23 , first day posted, why is a rescue grabbing a cat on the first day when cats on last day death row????
the first day cat was posted on shelter was the 25 , she went the first day he was posted , hart scarfed him on first day.check shelter post i found it there.
And THAT’S why I wrote this article. So Elaine can at least learn her cat didn’t live in this shit.
yes that is Barbara Harts inside of her house, shitty enough for you!
hey is there a cat shortage in NC? Any decent rescue would be glad to find the owner and open another spot as to save another.Everyone is taking up for this Hart, did you see the photos of the INSIDE of her house, i did , the shit was deep and dried layer after layer. there is more shit that Julianne Westberry’s house.Hart has not lived there in a long time. Where are all these cats she has pulled from the shelter. NC law requires records on every animal and 3 years back to be kept on premises of rescue. How can anyone defend such a animal abuser, whoever makes excuses for Barbara Hart is no better than she is. Nasty, filthy, scamming, fake , skank. Where are these cats , pound seizure is legal in N C , was she selling them to animal brokers ? are they being tortured in laboratories? Anyone saying this is not true needs to prove it. Barbara Hart needs prosecuted to the full extent of the law.Every genuine animal lover should write to the federal attorney general requesting they oversee this case based on the past history of NC doing nothing to these abusers. Someone knows where this woman’s cat is , and that someone is the record keeper for Pals for Paws and Purrs, Barbara Harts so called rescue , which it appears she used to collect cats and steal their pledge money while she lives on easy street the cats die of neglect. Put her under the jail and demand those records, get this poor woman’s cat back.
And it’s always possible Barbara didn’t want Elaine to have her cat back because of him not being neutered when he was found. Barbara has disappeared for now so there’s really no way to get her side of things. I do believe this is the same cat. Eye color tends to differ when photographed due to lighting and flash variants. You know that Michael, being a photographer.