Don’t worry this turns out to be another happy ending cat rescue thanks to great work by such nice people. But initially I have to say that this is another sad case of cat neglect.
It is not only about neglect in caring for a cat but also in creating a cat that looks like he is meant to be a flat-faced Persian but the breeder has created a sort of ugly cat-dog judging by the photo of him after treatment and TLC (last photo on this page).

His name is Sinbad. I love him, don’t get me wrong. Personally I am not concerned about attractive appearances. But people are and the person who bred this cat (and he surely was bred) did an awful job; such an extreme and wonky face. The eyes and nose and everything are all wrong.

Putting that aside the breeding for one minute, Sinbad is nine years old and was rescued from the basement of a home in Illinois, USA. His owner is elderly and appears to have abandoned him in the basement. I sympathise with the elderly. I am quite elderly myself. However, I would have thought the gentleman could have arranged for Sinbad to be rehomed months if not years ago rather than in effect abusing his cat in this way.

Sinbad was surrendered to the Anti-Cruelty Society, Chicago. It took the groomers or vets two sessions to remove the huge carpet of filthy, matted fur. The second session took 2 hours.
As Sinbad was barely able to walk with his matted fur it took him a while to find his feet again once it was removed. He had to relearn how to use his hind legs.

A guy named Elliot Serrano fostered Sinbad and then fell in love with him and then adopted him – stupendous. Great ending. Well done Elliot.
He looks a lot better of course with his normal well grooming coat except for his face. I know he is cute but I wish breeders would not do this. In the last photo he almost looks like a little dog.
Story’s source: Guess? It has to be The Dodo.
Poor Sinbad!!! At least he’s in a situation now where he will receive the daily grooming (when his coat grows back) that he and all Persians require. I wish people would do research on the breed they want and find out what care it requires before they get that breed. Persians need to be groomed daily, or their coats mat. Even the mostly hairless Sphynx requires regular bathing (most like baths), and skin care at least twice weekly.
This is a horrible case of neglect, and I would spend a little more time giving him a precision cut… it’s kind of choppy, and weird around the muzzle. Also, I guess it’ll take a long time for his whiskers to grow back if he had them. I don’t see any. He really needed a friend to help him out.