Nero My Norwegian Forest Cat?

by Tawnie
(Ontario Canada)



My beautiful cat Nero was a lost kitty and has lived with us for 6 years. I'm not 100% sure he even is a Norwegian Forest, so maybe someone could tell me. He was living in my neighbors bushes when we took him in. He likes the water and can jump pretty high. He weighs 14lbs and seems to fit the other descriptions but I'm still not sure.


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Nero My Norwegian Forest Cat?

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Jun 10, 2011
Norwegian gentle cat***need home
by: Anonymous

EMERGENCY PLACEMENT****A beautiful 3 year old GENTLEMAN orange Norwegian Forest needs home, loves to smell flowers, very gentle,
will communicate well with other gentle cats, loves snuggles.
e-mail :
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Before 22th June 2011.

Feb 04, 2011
by: Tawnie

awe, sounds adorable 🙂

Feb 04, 2011
by: Nancy

I have a cat that is the spitting image of Nero, but he has double paws...loves the snow and does not mind going out in the rain..has double paws and is a good mouser..however, he likes to scratch.:( he was dumped off at my house in a snowstorm when he was a kitten. He is now six years old and huge...

May 15, 2010
by: Denise Joyce

Wonderfull cute cats i see above here!!
I have a pure breed Skoggkatt or Norwegian forest cat.
Cilla is !8 months old and i will go to shows with her someday because her father is EC and her grand parents are EC too

Jan 27, 2010
Oscar the NFC?
by: Anonymous

This is Oscar. He's about 2 years old, weighs 20lbs., and displays all the characteristics of a NFC. Since I adopted him from the local Humane Society, I can't be 100% positive he's a true NFC, but I'm 90% sure that's what he is.

Nov 16, 2009
by: Teo

Hi, my name is Matteo and i come from Italy.

I had a beautiful cat, Porcy and now i'd like to know if he was a NFC...

Here's the photo!!!

on Flickr:
Is this cat a Norwegian Forest Cat


Oct 25, 2009
Cat Lover
by: David

I own a 21 year old NFC, she is the most loving and rewarding little cat i have ever owned. i rescued her from a cat rescue centre after she was abused by previous owners. i got her at the age of four and couldn't imagine life without her now.

Oct 22, 2009
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

A very impressive looking cat he is - and he has some fine tufts on his paws. Nothing I see talks against NFC, but we'll never know whether it's a teaspoon or the whole bucket. 😉
He seems to be a wonderful cat - thank you for the pictures.

Oct 20, 2009
More Pics
by: Michael

Here are some more pics of Nero. Thanks Tawnie:

Nero a black and white cat who could be a Norwegian Forest Cat

Nero is very handsome. He has a lot of fur between his toes. And I love the expression in the photo by the door. Quizzical. And saying, "get on with it".

Oct 17, 2009
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi again Tawnie. I'd love to see more pictures of Nero. Search for a page called 'Creator of Pictures of Cats' and you'll find Michael's adress at the bottom. I don't think he will mind if you mail him a picture or two. 😉
Anyway, I'm glad you took my answer the way it was intended - I never mean to discourage anybody. Actually a stray cat can be a purebred runaway, but if that can't be documented, it must be labeled a mixed breed.
You can read more on the page 'What Breed Is My Cat?', where Michael very nicely has explained the problem.

Oct 16, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the comments, I always wondered what breed he was and the closest I looking breed to him was the NFC. I have a few other better pictures of him but he is definitely a very loved and loving cat! 🙂

Oct 16, 2009
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Tawnie. I see what you mean, but Nero is not a Norwegian Forest Cat unless he has pedigree papers to prove it. Stray kittens usually don't carry papers with them, nor can they tell us for sure who their parents were. 😉
Like most other cats he is technically a mixed breed domestic, although it is obvious that he has at least some semi-longhair in him.
Whatever his roots are, Nero is great looking in his black and white tuxedo. Pedigree papers say nothing about the inner qualities of a cat, nor do they tell how much it is loved. The fact that you took in a stray cat and that he has become special to you is all that really matters.

Oct 16, 2009
Hi Tawnie
by: Michael

Nero is very handsome. He may have Norwegian Forest Cat in him. My first cat was a NFC mix and she jumped and climbed like a tree dwelling wild cat!

Thanks for sharing and showing us Nero.

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