New Found Joy

New Found Joy

by Rodney
(Romulus, MI)

Could You Resist That Face?

Could You Resist That Face?

I have never really been a cat person, I always more wanted a dog. I was considering getting my kids a pet, but just hadn't moved on it yet.

The other day, I went to pick my kids up from school. I turned down the dirt road and saw something scurry into the grass along the road.

I didn't pay it much attention. I picked the kids up, and headed back down the dirt road and looked to my left. Sitting on the side of the road was the tiniest little kitten huddled under a branch.

It was drizzly outside, and the poor kitten was squealing incessantly. It was so cute, that I couldn't leave it on the road to possibly be killed by a car or hawk or something.

I picked it up, put it in my car and took it home. We fed it and named it Squeaky, because of all the squeaking it was doing. This little cat is so precious, and it appears to be a Moggy.

We've only had it for two days as of this writing, and I haven't had a chance to get it to a vet for a good check up, but it bothers me that someone must have left the cat out on the street.

As they say, "one man's trash is another man's treasure," and Squeaky is a delightful treasure.


New Found Joy to Moggie cats

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New Found Joy

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Jun 14, 2010
Squeaky is a sweetie!
by: Tracey (England)

Aw he's just so cute!

He looks very tiny; no wonder he squeaks all the time he probably misses his mom. How awful that someone could leave him on the street knowing full well what his fate could be.

I'm so happy you found the poor little mite he sure has come to the right place!

You are obviously so compassionate and caring, how I wish there were more like you.

Please let us know How squeaky's doing; I'd love to hear more about him.

Jun 11, 2010
by: Maggie Sharp

Your Squeaky is beautiful, do you know if Squeaky is male or female yet? I suppose the vet will tell you. S/he looks very young, maybe only about 6 weeks old... A real cutie nonetheless.

You did a good thing by rescuing little Squeaky, I wish her/him a long happy life with you and your family. Let us know how the vet check goes!

Jun 11, 2010
THE cat
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Rodney. No, I definitely would not have been able to resist that face either... 😉
Saving this little moggie kitten was an act of kindless, but as he/she grows you will be paid back will all of it's affection.
I hope the vet check turns out alright, because Squeaky has a good chance of becoming THE cat of your family as has been proven on this site by so many other cats of humble beginnings.
Good luck to you all.

Finn Frode avatar

Jun 10, 2010
Oh, you are a sweetie!
by: Valley Girl

I love your story, and your picture.

You really did a great thing, and thanks for writing about it.

Apart from purposely adopting Tootsie from a shelter, all of the kitties I grew up with were ones that we "rescued" in one way or another.

New found joy indeed!

Jun 10, 2010
by: Michael

I have a strong feeling that you will be rewarded a thousand fold for your compassionate act.

The reward in saving a cat and nurturing it to health and confidence is very high indeed.

Thanks for visiting and sharing your tender story with us.

Michael Avatar

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