New Home and New Cat Companions

New Home and New Cat Companions

by Niki Johnson
(Wonder Lake ILLINOIS)

I moved into a new home about three months ago and this sweetheart was sleeping on my back deck for days on end and finally I let her in. I still have her and it turns out she is pregnant and I am so excited for the kittens to come.

She is so sweet and a very very pretty cat she is. I can’t believe no one had scooped her up before me!! I love her so much and look forward to having her as our new family member for the rest of her life.


Hi Niki… Nice story. You got a nice package. And your cat was lucky that you moved in. It seems that your cat might have been left by the previous occupiers although it is hard to tell. She doesn’t seem feral in the classic sense as she moved in nice and easily it seems.

Abandoning cats at the time of moving house seems to be not that uncommon in the USA. Thanks for sharing. If you have any photos please email me with them at:

mjbmeister at substituting at for @


New Home and New Cat Companions to Feral Cats

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New Home and New Cat Companions

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Dec 21, 2009 new home for new mama
by: Jan Plant

What a wonderful story.You know God was watching over both you and your new mama when he got you together.Bless you for caring and taking her and the soon to be babies in.

Dec 20, 2009 i believe every thing is for a reason
by: kevin

i believe every thing happens for a reason, you moved house and fell in love with this stray cat,how many houses in your area could that poor stay cat have gone to and been chased away ,its strange yet when you sit and think did your cat sense that this was the right place to sit and wait, did she know before you knew, that you would offer shelter for her and her kittens, i don’t know yet i do think most things happen for a reason so on her behalf id like to say thank you for offering her shelter and love

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