New Internet Cat Celebrities: Smiling Cat and Worried Cat

“Since the invention of the internet, we have the knowledge of the ages at our fingertips. Instead, we choose to look at pictures of cats.”

Perhaps it’s our love of cats that leads us to websites posting cute photos and videos of cats and kittens. It’s an escape from the stress of everyday life. Here are a few new internet celebrities in the cat world, made popular by a cute photo. 



Meet Bum, AKA Worried Cat, who was brought to the San Diego Humane Society Kitten Nursery in Oceanside, California by a good samaritan along with his four siblings when they were only five weeks old. Bum’s new mom, Courtney Morman was working there and fell in love with him, despite his worried expression. Courtney told ABC News

“He just has perpetually crossed eyes,” Morman, 24, said. “His eyes and lids are also shaped a little funny, but other than that, he’s totally fine. He’s been seen by a vet and nothing is wrong with him.”

Bum is named after San Francisco Giants pitcher Madison Bumgarner, her favorite baseball player.



A 5-month-old kitten rescued in an alleyway and taken to a shelter is now living the good life in the Salt Lake City, Utah area.  Jenni Colburn and her husband Aaron adopted “teeny tiny smiley Rey” last November from an animal shelter near Jenni’s workplace. Jenni told ABC News

“A lot of my friends, family, neighbors and coworkers are just obsessed with Rey and her smile. We like to think she’s the anti-Grumpy Cat, his self-proclaimed arch nemesis. The little cat “was just smiling at me and she crawled up to my lap, and I was like, ‘Welp! I guess we’re going to have a third cat now!”

According to Jenni, Rey knows how cute she is, and has the Instagram followers to prove it.  Rey has more than 2,500 followers, as well as a fan club. Since Aaron is a professional photographer, we can all look forward to quality photos of this mischievous but happy kitten. Especially since Rey enjoys posing for her photos.

Do you?

Do you have a cat with an expressive face? Please feel free to post a photo in the comment section. If the photo doesn’t load, email it to Michael Broad (PoC) at so he can add it to this article. Michael says sorry for this slight complication 🙂 . Sometimes you can’t fix software problems.

Oozy Smiling
Oozy Smiling
Oozy Smiling
Oozy Smiling

Our foster cat Oozy was a smiler. Oozy has since gone to his forever home, where he spends his time ruling over his human servants using his well rehearsed expressions. Who could resist his smile?

Sources: 1234


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5 thoughts on “New Internet Cat Celebrities: Smiling Cat and Worried Cat”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thanks. I will keep that in mind. If only it could fix her eyes from looking like that when she comes strolling into my bedroom at midnight!

  3. Photoscape will fix a lot of that. It has a red eye feature and if that doesn’t work you can use the paint feature and circle them in. It’s an easy program to use. I’m not intelligent enough for PhotoShop 🙂

  4. Thanks, Michael. I am so happy to see Winter get her day in the sun on your site. Like the other charming cats appearing under this topic, she is a rescue cat, which demonstrates what beautiful, lovable, [and sometimes scary, hee hee] kitties are at shelters waiting for their forever homes. Julie

  5. I am writing this on behalf of Julie who says this about her cat:

    What you will see in these photos is not only caused by the camera flash–her blue eyes react with the ambient light in certain situations to turn our gorgeous vangora into a devil cat, just like in the first picture. The juxtaposition of the Stephen King Books and the Louis Wain biography in the second photo just adds to the effect. I have to tell you, the first time I saw Winter enter my room at night with her red eyes, I really freaked out!

    Here are the photos:

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