NFC Foundling

NFC Foundling

by Gregg Bergae
(Kildeer, IL)

Her practice tree

Her practice tree

A neighbor found her in a window well, and we adopted her. The vet says she's about a year old, and of all the characteristics an NFC has
she matches perfectly.

She has taken to the leash rather well, and asks for her daily walk around the outside of the house in any weather and in as much as 7" of snow. She wakes me up in the morning by licking my nose!


Hi Gregg...I had to publish this because she looks typical Norwegian Forest Cat climbing a tree with snow on the ground. I can imagine what an original NFC might be up to hundreds of years ago in the forests of Norway.

The experts say that only a very few cats can climb down a tree head first. One of them is the Margay, the most acrobatic of all cats, wild or domestic. Most cats shimmy down gingerly.

I had a small NFC mix who only once got a chance to climb a tree as she lived in central London, England. But when she did climb it, she went 30 feet straight to the top and charged down head first dodging all the branches - spectacular.

Thanks for sharing and saving a cat, Gregg and please come back.

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NFC Foundling to Norwegian Forest cat

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NFC Foundling

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Feb 17, 2010
Viking spirit
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

It's har to understand why anybody ever let this very beautiful cat become a runaway, but that turned out to be your luck. She looks very impressive sitting in that tree.
Not all NFO's are as fond of snow, as your foundling seems to be. Some years ago when our young Mons was first introduced to that white, wet and cold stuff, he simply sat down and refused to walk anymore. We didn't want to drag him around as a sledge on the leash, so we had to carry him instead.
His sister Milly, who is now in her 16th year doesn't like it either. In the morning she just takes a quick glance out of the balcony door, then shivers and rushes in. So much for the viking spirit of our purebred Norwegians... 😉

Feb 15, 2010
NFC a beauty!
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Gregg, your cat is astounding! He looks like he could actually take down that tree without much effort, LOL! The fact that he wakes you and wants to walk on a leash is wonderful. Do return with more stories.

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