Nippers the Chirpping Chartreux

Nippers the Chirpping Chartreux

by Mary Ann
(Urbana, Ohio)

Four years ago my daughter brought home a kitten that was dropped of at a local horse barn.

She was a beautiful blue gray all over. We named her Nippers since she love to play and would often nip your hands if you were not in the mood to appease her.

She mostly talks in chirps and only meows in the morning to announce that she is back in the house and ready to be loved on until she falls a sleep for most of the day.

If she is in the house at night she will turn on my clock radio to wake me up to let her out.

Once when I had the radio turned down low, there was a glass of water on the night stand – she reach her paw into the glass and flicked me with water until I woke up and let her out!

She is very determined to get her nights outside and will climb up on the TV stand and sit in front of the television if you ignore her too long!

She loves to cuddle up beside me and spoon or she will sleep on top of my husbands’ stomach.

She takes turns being my cat and then his cat. It just depends on who has done a favor for her lately.

Mary Ann

From Nippers the Chirpping Chartreux to Chartreux Cat

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Nippers the Chirpping Chartreux

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Nov 03, 2010 About Nippers pics
by: Anonymous

I don’t have any pics on my hard drive to upload at this time but I think my daughter who is the photographer in the family has some of her as a kitten. I will see which of her photo sights contains those pictures and post. She has a lot of photos in her gallery just want to see if I can get the exact jpeg number so you don’t have to go through all of them to see baby Nippers.

Nov 03, 2010 Nippers
by: Ruth

Thank you Mary Ann for telling us about your cat Nippers, what a character she sounds !
I loved reading about her. Do you have any photos of her ?

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Nov 01, 2010 A lotta love
by: Michael

There is a lot of love there – I can feel it come out of the page. I love the love between animals of different species especially between human and domestic cat.

Thanks for sharing Mary Ann.

Michael Avatar

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