Non Declaw Veterinarians are GOOD GUYS

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra

The Paw Project say on their Facebook page that they are very happy to announce these Veterinary Clinics do not declaw cats:

  1. The Cat Clinic of Chattanooga,Tennessee
    1. They also state: “We do not believe in euthanasia for the sake of owner convenience” – nice. The name of the veterinarian who runs the clinic is: Dr. Marcia Toumayan, Veterinarian – we should praise her.
  2. Union Park Veterinary Hospital, Utah
  3. Animal Care Wellness Center, California
  4. Animal Hospital of the Rockaways, New York
  5. Paws Whiskers and Claws, Atlanta
    1. We do not declaw at PWC
  6. The Cat Clinic of Norman, Oklahoma

Kudos to these and all other animal doctors who stick to this, their sworn oath:

“Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.”

‘The PREVENTION and relief of animal suffering’

non-declaw vets and vets who declaw
Poster by Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Anyone who has studied veterinary medicine must surely know the anatomy of a cat and also know that declawing a cat must cause the cat suffering!

Not only at the time of the surgery, but a declawed cat is a disabled cat and therefore faces a lifetime of suffering.

Even the very lucky cats who have no problems from the amputation of their last toe joints are still unable to do what cats are born to do, to jump safely and to walk and balance as clawed cats do, to exercise their muscles by digging in their claws, to groom properly, to play by hooking toys with their front claws, to defend themselves…….

Here in England even people who don’t know the anatomy of a cat, including the ones who don’t particularly like cats, are shocked that declawing is still legal in some countries.

Worse still, sadly, some veterinary clinics are desperately trying to sell laser declawing as humane, they say it’s quicker healing and less painful.

LESS painful is not good enough, cats should not be suffering any unnecessary pain at all, because they should never be mutilated this way.

But the good news is, that thanks to The Paw Project film and the anti declaw campaigners who are growing rapidly in numbers and educating cat caretakers, it really does look as if the tide is turning at long last.

Hopefully soon, declawing vets will have to admit they are wrong to make money by causing cats to suffer from being declawed, by whatever method used, including laser declawing.

P.S. from Michael. There is an old form on PoC (at the base of this page) asking if visitors to the site thought that vets were in breach of their own rules when declawing. There were 93 responses (link opens new window).

P.P.Sthis is a post I wrote years ago on North American vets who don’t declaw.

15 thoughts on “Non Declaw Veterinarians are GOOD GUYS”

  1. Ruth I love your poster so tongue in cheek yet still, very importantly putting the point across.

    I also love your unceasing passion, constantly striving to educate about how cruel de-clawing is as well as your compassion for all animals.

    I feel that the work the Paw Project is doing is really what we’ve all been waiting for; a group that has at last achieved some success and enough credibility for people to finally sit up and take notice. They have also managed to achieve lots of positive publicity with the video which is awesome.

    I think more and more vets are for turning and I also think the turning point where de-clawing is concerned is just around the corner 🙂

  2. Thanks Rudolph, you are very perceptive! 🙂
    I just hope pro declaws get the message the poster hopes to convey

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