Non Toxic Antifreeze

by Michael
(London, UK)

It is really time, in fact beyond time, when something should be done about bloody car antifreeze. It does not have to be poisonous to cats. It is easy to make it non toxic antifreeze (to cats and dogs). So why the hell isn’t it happening?

You can see that I am mad. This is because there appears to be an increase in antifreeze cat poisonings in the UK by nasty idiots with nothing better to do.

The latest report comes from the St. Helens Star. They say that at least 7 cat antifreeze poisonings have occurred in the past few months but that the figure could and probably is higher because few cats are subjected to postmortems.

I have written an article about this previously: Making Antifreeze Unpalatable to Cats

It seems that all that is required is to add a chemical. What is the problem? Is the failure to act sloppiness or an”I don’t care attitude”.

One manufacturer in the UK is Bluecol. They proudly declare that they are the “The Brand You Can Trust”. No, you can’t be trusted to do the right thing as your antifreeze contains ethylene glycol, sorry.

If one of the employees of this “trusted” company visits this page, please justify why you can’t take the simple step of adding a chemical to make non toxic antifreeze. There are no doubt different ways of achieving this. One is to add a chemical that makes the antifreeze unpalatable to cats. That in effect makes it non toxic antifreeze to cats and that is where my interest lies today. Ethylene glycol in car antifreeze is attractive to cats but deadly, causing kidney failure.

Propylene glycol, on the other hand, is considerably less toxic and may be labeled as “non-toxic antifreeze.” Why isn’t this used for car antifreeze?

Come on, please do the right thing.

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Non Toxic Antifreeze to Cat Health Problems

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Non Toxic Antifreeze

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Feb 17, 2011 Non pet toxic Antifreeze
by: Neil

Ps cats should be kept indoors.
They stress and sometimes outright kill the hummingbirds and others in my yard.
The local coyotes and racoons kill them for lunch.
I frequently see missing cat posters up on lampposts and outside the vet’s and I suspect another coyote has a full stomach somewhere.if your cat does not come home and you wonder whose fault it is just look in the mirror.

Feb 17, 2011 Non pet toxic Antifreeze
by: Neil

Ps cats should be kept indoors.
They stress and sometimes outright kill the hummingbirds and others in my yard.
The local coyotes and racoons kill them for lunch.
I frequently see missing cat posters up on lamposts and outside the vet’s and I suspect another coyote has a full stomach somewhere.

Feb 17, 2011 Non pet toxic Antifreeze
by: Happy Black Lab Owner

I believe PG boils at too low a temperature but other products are available and coming into use in Canada and are about to be mandatory soon in some provinces if not as I write this.
A doq was killed just a week ago on a popular walking trail in Richmond just south of Vancouver BC.
It died of kidney failure with it’s poisoning a suspected result of drinking from puddles on the trail.
There is an ongoing beef there between walkers and some irresponsible dog owners’ with their dogs off-leash and out of control in an on-leash park.
Owners, not dogs, are usually the problem but unfortunately the dog can pay the price off leash or on with poisoned puddles present.

Jul 22, 2010 I agree
by: Ruth

I agree with you both Michael and Barbara ! Something needs doing about this but this new government aren’t going to do anything as animals are very low on their list of priorities.
But surely the firms making anti freeze should take responsibility for this anyway.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jul 22, 2010 Quite right!
by: Barbara

I totally agree! WHY when it is so well known that antifreeze kills cats in a most horrendous way, and it is also well known that cruel and sly people use this substance to poison cats, has it not been made compulsory for antifreeze to have this extra chemical added long before now? And why haven’t ethically responsible manufactureres done this voluntarily? I hope someone can enlighten us. One thing is for sure, it’s no use looking to the new government for any legislation to help animals as they are systematically trashing any and every animal welfare law that ever existed!

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