Norm, the sweetest FeLV+ kitty, needs a home

Norm, the sweetest FeLV+ kitty, needs a home

by Liz
(Baltimore, Maryland)

Norm was found on the streets of Baltimore City. From the start he was shy but friendly, eventually growing into quite the lovable sweetie he is now.

He enjoys being around other cats, and even tried to make friends with our 80lb pit bull!

He used to roam with a pack of other strays (but they weren't friendly like him), and we never saw him fight with them...I think he misses the company.

We've taken him in but it is a really tough situation...we have four other rescued cats and with his recent FeLV+ result, it's not safe to keep him, and it's not fair to keep him isolated in our bathroom for the rest of his life.

We would LOVE to see our little Normie go to a home with another FIV and FeLV+ kitty that he can be friends with, or at least find a foster or sanctuary.

He's the sweetest little guy, he's never bitten or scratched either me or my husband, even when we had to give him a bath! We've taken care of many of our area's strays and last winter we wound up taking one that we had grown really attached to, to an emergency vet to be euthanized because he became so was one of the worst experiences of our lives, and I don't want to ever have to do that again, especially with Norm.

He didn't deserve to get this virus, and we just want the best possible life for him. If you think you have the room to open up your heart and home to Norm, please please contact me!!


From Norm, the sweetest FeLV+ kitty, needs a home to Adoptable FeLV cats

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Norm, the sweetest FeLV+ kitty, needs a home

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Nov 05, 2010
Norm - the gentle soul
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

May I make a suggestion? If you haven't done so already, it may be advantageous to post Norm's story on Face Book, where there are a ton of cat-related sites.

It seems to me while surfing these sites, one was there regarding sanctuaries for Felv+ cats. If I remember the name or find it again, I will re-post, but at least it's a start.

I wish you a lot of good fortune finding a loving home for Norm.

Nov 03, 2010
Gentle Norm
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

No cat deserves being FeLV+, but when disease hits a loveable and gentle young cat like Norm, it's even more heartrending. May he find the good home he deserves and live a happy life for a long time to come. I'm sure he has what it takes to become somebody's very best friend.

Finn Frode avatar

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