November Is Adopt A Senior Cat Month

Misty is 10 years young

Misty is 10 years young

November is Adopt A Senior Cat Month. As a cat lover, I've always preached the benefits of adopting an older cat. I love it that I can see the personality in an adult cat. With a kitten, you really don't know what you're getting as their personality is still developing. That's just my personal opinion, but at my age I don't like surprises.

A lot of first time cat owner's want to adopt a kitten so they can "bond" and "play" together. This may be fine for some. I can tell you from experience it's a nightmare to come into a room and find "hurricane kitty" has broken half of your grandmother's collectibles and has now moved on to destroying your house plants!

Older cats are more settled. Many are content to just be lap cats and bed buddies. Their personalities are easier to read before the adoption so there are no surprises. Their litter box habits are better and you won't have to worry as much about foot attacks in the middle of the night.

Senior cats are also less likely to be injured by a child and need less supervision. Having a kitten in the house is like trying to keep up with a two year old child. Older cats are also less likely to become ill and stand a much better chance at recovering if they do.

My all time personal number one favorite reason for adopting a senior cat is this: they're GRATEFUL! I have a 10 year old declawed cat named Misty. We rescued her at the beginning of the year after she ended up on death row after being adopted out then returned due to declawing behavior issues. Misty, as well as my other older cats, always has an expression on her face that clearly says "THANK YOU!" She's a very calm cat and enjoys laying around the house or in a lap being the center of attention.

I've only had one rescued kitten throw me a grateful expression. I believe the shelter experience fades from their memory soon after they leave. Not so with my seniors. They let me know every day how thankful they are to be living in a loving home. They never forget that feeling of abandonment as one kitten after another was adopted while they waited quietly in a cage. Passed over day after day as people adopted the young and adorable.

Yes, I'll choose an older cat any time over a kitten. Cats are living well into their twenties these days with improved vet care and informed caregivers. There's really no reason not to adopt a senior cat. Unless you just LIKE having your feet attacked during the middle of the night.

Readers, please share your experience with older cats. I'll bet I'm not the only one who prefers them.


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November Is Adopt A Senior Cat Month

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Nov 11, 2011
older cats are even sweeter NEW
by: Gwen

I agree cats seem to soften with age,they seem to get more attached to their human.I had never realy thaught about it,I more or less supposed it had to do with us being together for so many years(the same happened with my dog by the way)Most of my cats have always been very sweet,some just have this wild side,they do calm down of course,the wild seems to ware of,like you say:no more attacking feet!
Yes I would also adopt an older cat,only cats always come to me by themselves and adopt me or I find them on my way,I only once went to a shelter and got my very first cat,who made me fall in love forever with her kind!She was only one year old at the time and I am so glad I've had 19 yaers with her!I didn't choose her,she was the one (there were about 40 in one big run)who insisted most on coming with us.She kept on giving nose-and cheekbuts to our hands trough the fence.I don't consider cats older untill they are 14 or so and even then they don't show it.Cats are very agile and strong untill the very last year or two of their life I think.I disagree with vets and people calling them old from 7 yaers up!
You could maybe call them middle-aged,sounds funny...YES OLDER CATS ARE ADORABLE!!!

Nov 10, 2011
Senior kitties need love most of all
by: Carolina Cats

Carolina Cats in Columbia ("Carolina Cats" on FB) - can relate both to Senior Cat Month and Cancer Awareness. We specialize in kitties with special needs, seniors, shy, scaredy. We have many seniors who would love to have a real home. We give them what time and love we can but with the large number we care for, its not the same as being with an individual adopter. We've also had many who became old with us and eventually passed away, still waiting for those good homes. Many have had cancer, 9 in the past couple of years alone. In addition, I just got through with 22 months of chemo, 3 surgeries and a month of radiation for endometrial cancer.

Indy is our tenth cancer patient recently. She was a feral kitten rescued from Maurice's BBQ when she was 10 weeks old. She's perfectly tame and has a cute purrsonality - we call her our "bulldog" kitty as she's tenacious, chunky and has little slightly bowed legs. But she's all black, so has never been chosen for adoption. She's been waiting 11 years for a real home, and now she's run out of time - she was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with oral squamous cell carcinoma after a big tumor suddenly appeared in her left lower jaw. Oral cancer has until now been difficult to treat in cats, so Indy is getting a new chemotherapy pill, Palladia, three times a week to hopefully shrink her tumor, and goes for her first re-check at the oncologists Friday. Her vet bills are already $750+, the Palladia is about $90 a month and at the moment she has to get bloodwork every 2 weeks to be sure the chemo isn't having unwanted side-effects. So far she is doing quite well, but we desperately need help with ongoing costs, especially since Turtlepie, 8, was hospitalized yesterday on IV's and may also have cancer.

Our pets have many of the same illnesses as we do as they grow older. Carolina Cats never gives up on them just because they are old - we keep try what we can to beat whatever they have, and make them as comfortable as we can until they tell us it is time to go to the rainbow bridge. Sadly, some go sooner than others. We just wish more people would take them on in their sunset years - they wouldn't have to make a lifetime commitment, just be willing to give love and whatever vet care might be needed.

Pam Jackson - Carolina Cats, Columbia SC
FB - Carolina Cats

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