Nyan Cat Breed?

Nyan Cat Breed?

by Michael

Make your choice. Which one is the Nyan cat breed from Chartreux, Russian Blue and blue British Shorthair featured on the montage below.

I say that the famous and famously irritating (
for some) Nyan cat is a Chartreux
. Not that the inventor made a conscious decision to make sure the cat was like a Chartreux – or did he?

You can see from the above montage that I have selected three well known cat breeds that are grey. I have deliberately not selected the Korat and the Nebelung because they don’t fit in my opinion. The Nebelung is a long haired Chartreux and the Nyan cat looks like a shorthaired cat to me!

The Korat has a heart shaped face and the Nyan cat has a square head!

I made the faces of these three well known cat breeds pixelated so they resembled the Nyan cat to some extent. Other than that they are genuine pictures of these cat breeds.

I would like to thank Helmi Flick for letting me use these photos in a slightly amusing way.

There is no doubt that the face of the Russian Blue is not square enough which leaves the British Shorthair and Chartreux.

On second thoughts the Nyan cat could be a British Shorthair with the blue grey coat. The original GIF animation of this cat was created by Christopher Torres of Dallas, Texas (where Helmi Flick lives incidentally). The Brit SH is much better known in America. For that reason it may have been based on a British Shorthair.

One final thought? Christopher created the original in 2011. I wonder whether he based his work on a Helmi Flick photograph from this site?! Nice idea.

The truth is Nyan cat is probably based in Christopher’s neighbour’s cat! A moggie. I’ll ask him to find out…

P.S. the think attached to the back of the cat is, I think, buttered toast and not vacuum packed spiced salmon!!

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Nyan Cat Breed?

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Apr 08, 2012
by: Michael

I emailed Chris Torres the creator of Nyan Cat and the cat is based on his cat Marty and Chris says that he is a Russian Blue. Marty certainly looks like a Russian Blue – quite slender.

Marty is the star of many of Chris’s comics. You can read an interview with Chris on this page:

Profiles in Geekdom: Chris Torres, Creator of Nyan Cat

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