Oh, my goodness! The biggest polydactyl feet I’ve ever seen.

The photographer calls them ‘bonus beans’. And in case you’ve never heard it, the paw pads of domestic cats are called ‘beans’, particularly on polydactyl feet. This is a very organised and impressive set of beans. His feet remind me of the feet of lynx wild cats. There is a link to polydactylism and the all-time record holder below the photo followed by some more articles on this well-known condition caused by a genetic mutation which is benign. It is not that rare in domestic cats. Can big cats be polydactyl?

Picture of the biggest polydactyl, domestic cat feet you'll see
Picture of the biggest polydactyl, domestic cat feet you’ll see. They call them ‘bonus beans’. Picture: Twitter – Island RN @BarbaraAnnFlrn.

Polydactyl cat record holders 2022

I’m getting a polydactyl kitten this week. Aside from extra toes, are there any other things I need to worry about?

2 thoughts on “Oh, my goodness! The biggest polydactyl feet I’ve ever seen.”

  1. Down in Key West Florida Earnest Hemingway had a cat with polydactyl feet, today their are dozens of descendant cats from the original. When I was 14 we were in Key West on vacation. I took home to Chicago a kitten I found in the Keys with polydactyl feet. Had no idea a had a Hemingway cat.
    Today Hemingway’s home is a museum and they still have the polydactyl cats.

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