The photographer calls them ‘bonus beans’. And in case you’ve never heard it, the paw pads of domestic cats are called ‘beans’, particularly on polydactyl feet. This is a very organised and impressive set of beans. His feet remind me of the feet of lynx wild cats. There is a link to polydactylism and the all-time record holder below the photo followed by some more articles on this well-known condition caused by a genetic mutation which is benign. It is not that rare in domestic cats. Can big cats be polydactyl?

It is a very famous place both for the link with Hemingway and for the cats. I have a page on Hemingway and his cats. As I recall they were laid off during Covid:
Hemingway’s Key West house: 30 of 45 employees laid off.
Down in Key West Florida Earnest Hemingway had a cat with polydactyl feet, today their are dozens of descendant cats from the original. When I was 14 we were in Key West on vacation. I took home to Chicago a kitten I found in the Keys with polydactyl feet. Had no idea a had a Hemingway cat.
Today Hemingway’s home is a museum and they still have the polydactyl cats.