Orange Persian Cat

These are photographs of one of the best Persian cats (traditional Persian – the most popular on my reckoning) you’ll see anywhere by one of the best cat photographers anywhere. Every time I see him I want to see more of him. He looks very much a male cat and a very interesting cat. His fur is “in your face”. He is very handsome. I love this cat. He’s an orange Persian cat but that’s not cat talk. I don’t think you’ll get better and if you can tell me. The name of the cat is Faolán and the photographer is Daniëlle Rozeboom. His full name is Yeri Shaes’ Faolán Edan.

Dani has her own cattery in Almere, Netherlands and she runs it with Rick Keijer. She is very talented, runs a great cattery named after another great cat Yeri Shaes, a white Traditional Persian, who passed away in 2006. Yeri was a lovely cat too.

Orange Persian Faolan
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Photo copyright Dani
Orange Persian Cat
Photo copyright Dani
Orange Persian Cat
I liked this cat so much I made a video
of the first 5 weeks of his life.
You can see it on
this page (new window) photo © Dani

These pictures below show Faolán as a very young kitten. Faolán is one of his Nicknames. The others are Fao, Draakje, Dikkie Dik. His true description is Red Solid. He was born on 10th June 2007 and he is a male. Faolán’s father is Orlando von den Müggelbergen, a Red silver shaded (“Red shaded cameo”) cat and his mother is FuzieFaniez Faelyn a Blue tortoiseshell. You can see her below left with Faolán as a young kitten.

The red coloration is due to the presence of the O gene. This gene converts the production of a black pigment that is deposited in the hair to orange. Black pigment is called eumelanin and orange pigment is called phaeomelanin. Read a bit more about the character, likely sex and genetics of red tabby cats.The non-agouti gene produces the solid colors. The non-agouti gene doen’t have much effect on phaeomelanin. A tabby pattern often, therefore, shows through even when the cat is not agouti. Apparently breeding self (solid) red cats with a noice solid color throughout is very difficult. This makes red a less popular colors for breeders. Still for me you can’t beat a beautiful orange Persian cat like Faolán.

Traditional Persian Kitten
Faolán with mum – photo copyright Dani
Traditional Persian sleeping
Photo copyright Dani

Traditional Persian
Photo copyright Dani
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9 thoughts on “Orange Persian Cat”

  1. I visited the hyperlink you provided, and I ought to say that the orange Persian cat featured there is honestly stunning! The vibrant, fiery coat and these expressive eyes make this pussycat a authentic beauty. Thanks for sharing this pleasant glimpse of the pussycat world with us.

  2. I have a long haired orange tabby cat a male not extremely long haired. But he was born with a defective right eye. I wonder how much blind he really is. He is very alert. His name is Davie

    • Hi David. Nice to hear from you. Even fully blind cats cope really well so your cat will certainly hide his defect in sight. I am sure his behavior is almost identical to a fully sighted cat. A vet to do a test but I suspect you’re not interested in that.

  3. Stunning photo of “FAOLAN” by Dani, which also occupies pride of place in “Wikepedia Encyclopedia” on Persian cats.I have personally edited a small section of “TRADITIONAL PERSIAN CATS” on “Wikepedia”.Thanks to “P.O.C” have come to know of the origin and breeding of “Faolan” a real beauty of the “Traditional Persian Cat”.
    Below is the photo of my orange traditional Persian cat “Matata” filmed by a former journalist photographer of India Mr Leonard.Aarons from Bangalore who happens to have also been my school classmate in Mumbai decades ago.Notice the fierceness in the cats face.He casually clicked these photo’s during a visit to my residence , without “Studio lights” etc.

    • This is a different sort of photo of Matata. It shows his strong face. It is nice to see a Persian cat that is called a piece of furniture (passive) looking like a real cat, a strong cat. In other words like the original Persian cat.

      Nice photo, Rudolph.

  4. My orange tabby is my best friend i could ever have. He had kittens with my girl cat and made 5 kitties!! one was black and white(like her mommy) and one was black,white and orange stripey tabby(tabby is the daddy) and two were black and one was calico, browny-blackey, creamy color, and black. the black,n,white one was killed by a cyote while we were in New York. we gave the others away except the black ones, no one wanted them. they left us the boys(the rest were girls)

  5. Stunning. Ever since Red, I have a thing for orange tabbys. He had a swirl pattern and long hair – just a moggie, but perfect. I like this persian because he is traditional. Very attractive, even the nose, unlike the US persians who look like they have moustaches from over breeding. One day, when I have moved to a more rural place, I will look out for another fluffy orange boy like Red. I miss him. This persian also has orange eyes like my Red. So much orange, it’s fantastic. But I don’t think they should be viewed as less than by breeders.

    • I like orange cats too. The ones I have seen and read about are nice characters. I wouldn’t normally associate character with coat colour and type but there does seem to be a connection. This orange Persian is superb looking cat. He is a Dutch cat. He is still alive as far as I know.


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