Cats of the Oriental breed (shorthair and longhair) are good photographic subjects because they have interesting bodies. That’s not a good reason to breed them with exceptional long legs, huge ears and long faces (extreme breeding) but they do look interesting in front of the camera. Of all the breeds there are probably more photos of Oriental Shorthairs on this site than any other for that reason. Oriental Longhairs are rarer. They are part of the Siamese cat family of cats. They are famed for their sleek beauty but it is a matter of taste. This cat should be vocally loud! I guess not all of them are. They like cuddling up to their human companion. I think that is for warmth as well as companionship as their slender bodies probably means that they feel the cold more. They are said to be in the upper echelons of the feline intelligent spectrum 🙂 but I’d take that with a pinch of salt.