Our Beautiful Geordie

by Colin and Elizabeth
(Port Elizabeth RSA)

We only had Geordie for 2 years and 2 months. We absolutely loved him, he loved me! I found him in a pipe at the back of our retirement village where I work.

We didn’t know he was a Weegie. But, we did know he belonged to someone. He was filthy, his hair was matted and didn’t smell too nice! We, and our local AWS, searched for his humans.

My husband and I had recently lost our cat of 16 years. She was boarded while we were on holiday. She managed to get out and went away to die. Cat Care found her, but she had to be put down. It was a terrible time for us, so we knew that someone was looking for their cat.

To no avail, emailing, ads in the paper, nothing helped. All the while Geordie (as we came to call him) was creeping deeper into our hearts.

Eventually, AWS decided we could adopt him and we had him neutered. Anyone who knows a Weegie will know what a pleasure and privilege it was to have such an animal in our home. We grew to love him so very much.

One day I saw a magazine with a picture of him on the front. I bought the book and discovered that our Geordie was a Weegie!!!! Of course HE wasn’t on the book, but, I soon learned on the internet, he and his relatives look very much alike.

They are beautiful, strong, loving, intelligent, gregarious animals and I never want to be without one – as much as, presently, we are mourning the death, last week, of our beloved boy.

He was much older than we originally imagined and with age his kidneys collapsed completely.

We are so grateful that he came to us when he did and that we had the opportunity to get to know him and his breed.

Colin and Elizabeth

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Our Beautiful Geordie

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Sep 27, 2011
2 lovely special years togeather
by: Leah England

Hi both

A lovely but sad story thanks so much for sharing it with us all.

You are right cats leave paw prints on our hearts which ultimately break when they leave us.

At least your boy had over 2 years of knowing love, safety, happiness and a full belly.

I’m sorry for your loss but please consider another rescue when you are able there’s so many out there just waiting for people like you.

Sep 27, 2011
Animals and family
by: Jophus

Hi Liz anbd Colin – yep, they creep into your hearts and make a permanent home there. Like your own kids, they are irreplaceable and take very little in return. Sadly we have to do what is best at times. We actually treat our aging animals better than humans at times too. It is true though, that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have experienced the love of a devoted, loyal friend our animals are. Geordie KNEW he was loved.

Sep 27, 2011
Your Beautiful Geordie
by: Marion & David

We are indeed sorry to hear that your Geordie has gone to kitty heaven. We know what it is like to lose a very special pet – and he was a special cat.
Liz, Geordie came from the Pipe behind the hall didnt he?
Then another cat lived in the pipe until he was adopted by Elaine Furlong. Elaine told me a few days ago there is now another cat living in the pipe

Sep 27, 2011
My Favorite
by: Michael

The Norwegian Forest cat is one of my favorites. I used to care for an NFC mix girl cat. She was special. A fantastic climber and jumper. Sadly killed in an accident and it was my fault ultimately.

Anyway thanks for a nice story and sharing. It is nice to hear from RSA as well.

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