Our Beautiful Neko

Our Beautiful Neko

by Jill Becker
(Broadalbin, NY United States)

Neko - photos added later (11-2-2010)

Neko - photos added later (11-2-2010)

Our story begins last June when my sister in law took an about 2 week old abandoned kitten into her clinic and decided to give her a chance. We had just lost our 17 year old cat and were not ready for another.

However we fell in love with this kitten even with her broken leg and shaved fur. She was the sweetest and most adorable thing on earth. We took her in at 5 weeks when my sister in law felt she was out of the woods.


We named her Neko, Japanese for lucky, and we feel we are the lucky ones. Three weeks after taking her in we had to have her broken leg amputated. She never missed a beat! Once again her fur was shaved. Over the last two months we have come to realize that she is a Maine Coon.

She has all the characteristics and the personality as well. We are more than pleased that she came into our lives and the more we learn about Maine Coons and Neko the more enchanted with the breed we have become.

This cat is not a lap cat, that is for sure, but she always wants to be with us. She greets us at the door when we come home, follows us around the house and LOVES to play! We are looking forward to watching her grow into the big and beautiful cat she is going to be.

Jill Becker and family

Our Beautiful Neko to Maine Coon Cats

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Our Beautiful Neko

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Jan 31, 2010 Lucky for all
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Jill. Some cats just doesn't like sitting on your lap, but that doesn't mean they are any less sociable. And as you describe Neko following you around, there is no doubt she has bonded well with her new family. Lucky her for getting a second chance and lucky you for finding a special cat like her.
I think many here would love to see a picture of her, so if you have one, please mail it to Michael (who runs this site): mjbmeister [at] gmail.com

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