Our cats check the domestic appliances

Our cats check the domestic appliances

by Finn Frode
(Copenhagen, Denmark)

Snow White in the dishwasher

Snow White in the dishwasher

Snow White in the dishwasher Milly in the microwave oven Ivanhoe in the washing machine

Over the years our cats have checked every furniture, appliance and other piece of goods that entered our home. Here are their reviews of some of the domestic appliances:

Snow White: "The Bosch dishwasher has plenty of space for everything."

Milly: "With a Kenwood microwave my humans have time for more important business - me!"

Ivanhoe: "This AEG washing machine spins real fast..."

Note: These photos were not staged. Our cats all went into the machines of their own free will and I just grabbed my camera in a hurry. And of course the appliances were never turned on with our beloved cats in them. 😉

But cats are curious creatures, so please always be careful when turning on anything in your own home!

Finn Frode avatar

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Our cats check the domestic appliances

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Feb 08, 2011 Very Funny
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Great photos Finn! Beautiful cats too. Abby likes to check to be sure the bathroom sink doesn't drip and if it does, she just licks it all up!

Feb 04, 2011 Lovely
by: Barbara

Those are lovely photos Finn, thanks for sharing them, I love to see happy confidant cats that really share someones home and possessions.

Barbara avatar

Feb 04, 2011 Think cat
by: Ruth

Hi Finn, I love your photos !
Our cats always have to check out new stuff too or even if we move the furniture around they have to approve the change.
They are both 9 years old now and never climb in the washer but even so I check and recheck before using it, just incase ...
Our golden rule is 'think cat'

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 03, 2011 Checking for usefulness
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Michael. Our cats don't like having their paws dirtied - they have hired human hands for that. As long as the workman is in the house, they stay out of sight, but once he has left they check everything carefully to see whether it can be useful for them. The appliances shown here were only checked once - and then discarded by the cats as harmless, but totally useless for felines.

So actually the so-called words of our cats was just a bit of hype designed to catch the attention of the manufacturers' PR-departments.. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Feb 03, 2011 LOL
by: Michael

Hi Finn, I wish I had in-house washing machine and microwave engineers. It would be so handy. You know what the British workman is like these days. I am sure Danish cats are far more reliable.

Do you allocate the work? Snow White does the dishwasher and Milly the Microwave!

Michael Avatar

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