Our Dwarf Cat Sophie

Our Dwarf Cat Sophie

by Di Wiley
(Baltimore, md)

This is our dwarf cat Sophie

This is our dwarf cat Sophie

In July of 2008, I took a friend of mine to get a kitten that was listed on Craigslist. The momma cat was a stray that had babies in his camper out back. So he bought the momma cat and her 4 babies in the house. When they were 8 weeks from when he found them, he listed them. Of course when I went up there all of the kittens were the same size.

My friend picked hers out and there was a black and white kitten, she had 2 lumps on her neck. The man that had the kittens did not know what happened and was afraid that no one would want her because of these lumps.

So, this is how I got my dwarf cat. I told him I would take her and get her treated. I took her to the vet the next day, they tested the fluid and said it was an infection that was most likely caused by either the momma or one of the kittens biting her on her neck. They treated with antibiotics.

In a few days the bumps were gone and she was great. I did not notice that she was not growing as fast as her sister until she was about 7 months old and I went to visit my friend. Her sister is a full size cat. That is when we went back to the vet.

That was when they told me that she was a dwarf and they had never seen one in their office. I have been going to this vet for about 30 years. So with that said, we love her. She has other animal friends here, she gets along just fine.

Now we did notice some things that were different with Sophie however, just kinda of figured that she was maybe not as old as he said. She weighs 2.8 lbs, she is the size of a 10-14 week old kitten. She does not jump very high. But she is just great.

Di WileyOur Dwarf Cat Sophie to Dwarf Cats and Miniature Cats

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Our Dwarf Cat Sophie

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Oct 25, 2009
So cute
by: Dorothy

How nice to have a kitten forever. Sophie is so cute and so precious. I never knew it was possible. This website is a constant education. Thank you so much for sharing Sophie's lucky cat story.


Oct 25, 2009
by: Michael

Thanks for sharing, Di. It shows that there are other natural born dwarf cats out there as would be expected. Although they are rare as you say.

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