Our Wonderful British Blue Lucky

Our Wonderful British Blue Lucky

Eighteen and a half years ago, my wife and I took our sons to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania to pick up our cat from a British Shorthair breeder. When she handed him over to us, she said, “Your lives will never be the same.” She was so right. We never thought how much our lives could be so affected by a cat, especially one so wonderful as Lucky.

At seven months of age, Lucky was diagnosed with a heart murmur. Over the years, every vet that examined him immediately told us about his heart condition. Other than that, Lucky was exceptionally healthy.

My family and I felt very deeply that Lucky had a human soul. He spoke to us with his eyes and a soft meow that distinctly communicated his feelings. There were so many times when we considered him to be more human than feline.

And that is probably why we were so devastated when we had to put him down on September 8th. He would have been 19 on October 8th. It was the worst Labor Day weekend we ever had, as we watched how Lucky deteriorated from the heart murmur. We had thought that Lucky would have died in his sleep from this condition. But that was not the case. A blood clot had formed and paralyzed him from the waist down.

We miss him so. He was the world to us and will be in our hearts forever. We thank God that we were so fortunate to have had him for so long. It has been the best 18 1|2 years of our lives.

Our Wonderful British Blue Lucky to British Shorthair cat

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Our Wonderful British Blue Lucky

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Feb 09, 2010
Thanks for your story
by: Irena

I read about Lucky now as I lost my cat Sylvester just 5 days ago,and he died from exactly the same condition and in the same way like Lucky.He was just younger-13years old and it happened suddenly!
He was a huge,beautiful ginger-white British shorthair also with very expressive eyes,talkative..with lots of character and we all loved him so much!..So pretty similar story,we all feel we lost a closest member of our family.
I often think of great times we spent together and that seems to help me,as he really had full and happy life,he even traveled alot with us as we lived in Cyprus and than England and South America..,he had lots of friends and love and fun,and im sure that cats who have been so loved stay always with us,in our hearts and memories and forever important part of our lives.
We were lucky we had them and learnt from them same as they learnt from us,maybe even more..I could write much more,but will have to stop now..,i guess if we think deeper we should be grateful for all,even its so hard losing them..

Oct 01, 2009
i know how you feel
by: kathy

Back in February my sons cat passed on and i was with her when she passed. It was so sad. The house was so empty without her. But now he has a new cat and i have my old one back. We also rescued a feral cat from the outside through the spay and stay program.

Sep 29, 2009
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

I understand your gratefulnes, because although you’ve lost a long time companion, this is no sad story. He was with you and your family for a full cat life of almost 19 years – and that’s a lot of years even in the life of a human family. With all that he has seen and been a part of, no wonder he had become almost human. Cats like that live on forever in the family memories.

Sep 27, 2009
I know
by: Anonymous

I know how you feel. Lucky had a long life. He was truly loved. I wish you good luck for the future.

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