Outer Banks SPCA, North Carolina, emptied of all cats and dogs (video) in prep for Dorian

Outer Banks SPCA is just north of Ocracoke Island which has been devastated by Hurricane Dorian with extensive and deep flooding. There have been massive floods on this thin sliver of land off the North Carolina coast.

“Pray they all find their forever homes soon.” – Cindy Stoner

Empty Outer Banks SPCA shelter before Hurricane Dorian
Empty Outer Banks SPCA shelter before Hurricane Dorian
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I don’t have a report on flooding on Outer Banks but the area must have been hit by Dorian as it is close to Ocracoke Island (just north of it).

“😻🐾😻🐾 We are overwhelmed and relieved, but yes, it is bittersweet. We have grown so close to these animals and gained their trust; for some it’s taken years. We are sad to see them go, but thrilled for their new adventure and yet another chance!!! 😻🐾😻🐾” – Outer Banks SPCA

Great efforts by the staff at Outer Banks SPCA before the arrival of the hurricane resulted in the entire animal shelter being cleared of cats and dogs. They were all relocated out of the area. The first video shows the empty shelter. It looks eerily quiet. It must have felt strange to the staff to see their animals go. I am sure they had become attached to them.


The second video shows the last of the dogs and all of the cats leaving for shelters in Delaware. That is around 300 miles away and a 6 hour drive depending on where in Delaware you are headed according to Google Maps.


I am sure we are all in admiration of the efforts of these people.

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