This is an interesting cat news story. It is the first of its kind as far as I am aware.
Estelle Tayler owns a luxury pet hotel in Singapore called the Wagington at 27B Loewen Road. A cool name. She decided to sell 2 British Shorthair and 1 Ragdoll purebred cats between Oct 1 and Nov 13 in 2018. This was against the law of Singapore under the Animals and Birds (Pet Shop and Exhibition) Rules. It seems clear that in Singapore you have to be licensed to sell cats and this pet hotel owner was licensed to board cats and dogs but not to sell them.
Tayler also exhibited cats without a license in a suite at the hotel. She charged S$15 per hour for customers to play with the cats.
At a short court hearing Tayler said that she wanted a chance to argue her case. The judge said she would have an opportunity at a forthcoming hearing, a pre-trail conference in September.
Tayler’s pet (dog and cat) hotel is described as the first five-star dog hotel in Singapore which was extended to include cats.
A comment from Facebook is interesting:
Randall Lim: “I’ve purchased a maine coon cat from her. It ended up with weird deformities probably because of inbreeding issues. Glad this crook is caught.”
She allegedly sold other cats there too.