Once again I come to a discussion about the sort of person who likes cats. There are quite a lot of studies on the subject. I think that there is an overall slight bias against the sort of person who likes domestic cats and the reason is this. The overall culture of humankind and that which dictates how the planet is managed comes from the ambitious, testosterone-fuelled, male of the human species. And in general science is managed by men rather than women therefore studies are often generated by men rather than women.

So, science believes that owning a cat tells us a lot about the personality, health and dating life of the typical cat owner. Studies have found that cat owners are usually introverted compared to people who own dogs. They also tend to be more concerned with “expedience” rather than following the rules. This may be a by-product of one of the more outstanding and praiseworthy aspects of being a cat owner namely that they are, in general, more intelligent than dog owners and I presume other pet owners. They tend towards free thinking and not following rules.
On the downside (and there appear to be more downsides than upsides) cat owners are likely to be fatter because they are more introverted than dog owners and therefore stay inside more often and of course dog owners go outside with their dogs for a walk.
As for the typical cat owners dating life, one study concluded that cat owners are about 33% more likely to live alone and 200% more likely to live in an apartment. That also links in, it seems to me, with the potential for cat owners to be more introverted and to be single women and therefore less likely to be living in a large house with a family but more likely to own an apartment (downsized).
However, as mentioned above, I get the feeling that it is men who are judging women when you read about the personality and characteristics of cat owners. There is almost a hint of misogyny in the descriptions of the typical cat owner.
In addition, men who like cats and look after cats are sometimes described as being gay or impliedly criticised in an underhand way. They are not manly enough for the top male human predator. Once again this hints, to me, that it is the stereotypical, male of the human species who is judging other men in a slightly detrimental way.
If it is true that there is this form of bias when discussions about the personality of cat owners are published then there may be a slight bias against cats as well. If there is a bias against cat owners being typically intelligent, independent females (unable to form relationships with men) then the cat, by association, is also likely to be looked upon in a slightly detrimental manner. The “package” – woman and cat – are being judged by men of a certain character. Where there is a war between the sexes, the domestic cat is sometimes the innocent bystander who can be unjustly victimized.
I am free thinking. My conclusions are thoughts garnered over a number of years. They are not facts. Often scientific studies should not be seen as facts either.
i too hate the stereotypes people put out there about cat vs dog owners. the funny thing is many dog owners would be better off with a cat. i say that due to the fact that a cat needs little training, & many dog owners dont know how to, or just dont, train their dogs properly.
so many say they want a “guard dog” , but NEVER really train their dog. they get big dogs that they see as intimidating like pit-bulls, dobermans, rottweilers, etc. they dont train them, or teach them to respect their owner or family(they just intimidate the dog thinking their fearful submission is just as good). then they feed them tabasco, or some other “hot”, sauce so theyll be “mean”. thats NOT training it is just cruelty of the highest order. they think doing so makes it easier for their “pet” to attack another. this, many times, means innocent bystanders which then gives the dogs a bad reputation. my gf thinks pit-bulls are inherently mean & predisposed to violence when they are actually fairly good-natured if they are treated, & trained, properly…properly being the key word. these dogs are also never taught to stop on command either. this means they continue until blood is drawn which then means, in many cases of an accidental attack, the animal then must be put to sleep simply because the owner didnt bother to train their animal properly.
its sad that this happens so often. up until 3-4 years ago i was a dog person. id owned 3, & trained 2 of them(i wasnt old enough to train my 1st dog). it takes time & energy to do so, but its eminently rewarding for animal & owner in the end. most people just arent willing to do so. they want a “ready-made” dog, & the dog suffers for it. they also try to keep their dog inside most of the time & dont exercise it properly.
thhis is why i think most of those people would be better off with a cat. it takes up less space. it doesnt HAVE to go outside. though one SHOULD TRY to let it explore from time to time, but its not an absolute necessity(i know some of you disagree with that statement). also, since people dont look at cats as “guard” animals theres no need for the misguided “training” that takes place with dogs. so i think theyd be better off with a cat in the end.
you know another thing with that “guys get dogs & girls get cats” thing? a lot of women are getting those “tea cup” or purse-sized dogs nowadays. i have no idea why as i REALLY do NOT think they are cute at all, but you see people with them all over the place.
in the end though i think that study IS very biased as i personally know a few cat-owning extroverts & dog-owning introverts. that study is like saying ‘all actors are extroverts cuz they get up in front of people & act.’ when most of us know THAT is NOT entirely true. its just perception, & perceptions are subjective.
If your cats were only destroying invasive species (cats themselves being a noxious invasive species), then nobody would be complaining. But your vermin cats destroy anything that moves. Letting a cat roam free is absolutely no better than intentionally throwing rat-poison around on everyone’s property to kill any living thing. Your man-made vermin cats are now driving hundreds if not thousands of species of native animals to EXTINCTION across the whole planet. Have you no conscience nor morality left?
Apparently gutting-alive and skinning-alive animals with everyone’s vermin cats, tortured to death just for your cats’ play-toys and YOUR entertainment, no other reason, is perfectly acceptable to you. Yeah, you’re all fine upstanding “animal-lovers” who respect all other lives around you and all other life on earth, aren’t you.
We know Woody is Gail. Cats are better companions than many males,not men,just males.Many women have children and cats. I had 3 children,cats,and 2 wolves,and a 60 hour a week job. So,there goes “Gail’s” theory.I also managed to change the hearts and minds of many when it comes to cats. Seeing my compassion and devotion to strays/ferals left a mark on many others. I have TNRed over 175 cats,all out of pocket. Intelligent,empathetic,and people of good character see the value of all life. Some people Gail/Woody are still human enough to have a moral compass unlike you and your ilk.