Introduction from Michael: I sense that I have to introduce this because I feel I have to justify publishing stories about cat abuse which I tend to steer away from but on occasions something stands out and this one such case. Some people won’t like the story which I’ll understand. However, it is a slice of reality and there is a perversion or mental aberration in cat hoarding/abuse. In this case there might be a link to pedophilia. Note: a pedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to children. It is my belief that there are far more pedophiles in the world than people imagine.

….For those of you who haven’t heard of the Palm Beach County case in Florida, it’s one of the worst seen in that county in recent memory. The tragedy began on September 10 when Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputies served a warrant at the Lake Worth home of Douglas Westcott, wanted on child pornography charges.
Deputies found what they were looking for, and a lot of other things that they weren’t. Inside the home were four freezers, and inside the freezers were the individually wrapped remains of 97 cats. The packaged cats had notes attached such as “R.I.P.” In addition to the frozen remains, 31 live cats were found. Some were wearing diapers, all were in need of veterinary attention, and one was too sick to live and had to be euthanized. Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control seized the cats, and they are being cared for at this time.
The problem now is Westcott, who remains in jail on three counts of possessing obscene material depicting sexual conduct involving a child, refuses to sign the cats over to the county. Animal Control officials are waiting on a court date when they can make a plea for the cats to be turned over to the county, arguing Westcott is an unfit owner.
Once Westcott is proven an unfit owner, the cats may be given a death sentence unless they’re adopted quickly. Captain David Walesky with Animal Control is afraid they won’t be adpted, as these formerly abused and neglected cats will be competing against healthier and friendlier cats turned in to the shelter.
However, founder and owner of Undercats4life, Minday Moffatt, says she believes most of the cats will be adoptable. They just need time and patience to recover from their prior living situation. Mindy says none of the cats have showed any aggression when she visited, and one kitty even rubbed up against her through the cage.
Mindy stated in an interview with The Palm Beach Post:
“There’s a great possibility that this could be a new beginning for these cats. I know for a fact is that they’re not going to get out alive if we do nothing about it.”
Here’s a video made by Palm Beach Animal Control showing some of the cats (if it does not play for you, please tell me in a comment and I’ll find another one).
Besides a lack of space, which is common in any shelter, some of the cats still have health problems. They’re all parasite free, but many have chronic diarrhea, and two have tested positive for FeLV.

Mindy is hoping rescues will step up when the time comes and the cats are given the go-ahead for rescue or adoption. If you can help with these confiscated cats please call 954 534-9332. More information is available on their Facebook page as well.
An update will be posted once the courts determine the fate of the cats.
OK with them wearing diapers that was the first thing I thought about was he sexually abusing the cats! OK this is a new shock thought that I would not hear much worse than Julianne Westberry, But I think I have!
Thanks Tonya. The best of luck. They deserve all the luck they can get.
There are still 10 cats available for adoption or rescue as of 10/15/14 at Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control in West Palm Beach, Florida 561-233-100 The shelter is located on Belvedere Road just west of the Florida turnpike ALL of these cats are gorgeous, friendly and healthy. Please disregard the comments about them being “unfriendly” etc in the video. I have rescued 9 of them so far and all are very sweet and deserve loving homes.
Thanks Mindy. This is the page:
Hi everybody the cats are available at PalmBeach animal control they have been turned over to the county as of yesterday.