Ragdoll Collage

Collage: A word from the French verb “coller”, which means to glue. A collage is a “work of formal art, primarily in the visual arts, made from an assemblage of different forms, creating a new whole.” Cat: An exquisitely created predator of the Felidae family of carnivores. Ragdoll: The most relaxed cat of the purebred family …

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Birman Cat and Jessica

Birman has the highest incidence of FIP as per a study in 2006

“The smallest feline is a masterpiece.” – Leonardo da Vinci – cat quotes. The Birman is an imposing cat and medium to large in size. The fur does not mat easily. The head is round and broad. The Birman has a well-balanced personality it is said. They have a “peaceful nature”. This makes them …

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