Animal Abuse and Criminal Domestic Violence

Please don’t let daddy kill us! Good morning readers. Today I’d like to continue on with another article which I want you to forward to your state government to force a change in animal abuse laws. I’d like to present the case on how animal abuse is linked to criminal domestic violence. There are …

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Animal Shelters, Crossposters and Rescue Groups

by Elisa Black-Taylor (USA) R.I.P-Too Late (Photo by Mia Anelli) Athena, Camille, Jemma saved from Ruby by Mia-needs home ASAP Debra by Mia Anelli In case a few of my readers haven’t noticed, I’ve become involved with a lot of new projects concerning pets. I’d like to explain my goals regarding animal shelters, rescue …

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All Creatures Animal Hospital Mislead Us

by Michael Stock photo – copyright Stockxpert All Creatures Animal Hospital mislead us because their advice on when cat declawing should or could take place is contradictory and subtly encourages the declawing of cats in using what I consider to be “weasel words” (misleading language designed to subtly trick us). I analysis their paragraph …

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Accidental Ways To Kill A Cat

Furby and Lola say practice safe laundry Furby on the washing machine Always check INSIDE the dryer Today I received an email from a friend who did the unthinkable. She killed her one year old cat. It wasn’t intentional. Her cat did what a lot of exploring cats do and climbed into her clothes …

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