Infographic on pros and cons of cat water and food bowls plus a discussion on whisker stress

Food and water bowls infographic

Choosing a cat bowl is a familiar decision for all newcomers to domestic cat caregiving and also for experienced owners. As all cat bowls are inexpensive or relatively inexpensive compared to most household items it does not pay to buy cheap. The cheapest bowls are made from thin plastic which the experts agree are …

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Climate change and illegal water extraction add to threats against Iberian lynx

Iberian Lynx Continued Threats 2022

An awful lot has been done to bring back the Iberian lynx from near extinction but it might all be undone because of global warming and years of agricultural overexploitation which have combined to lead the largest permanent lake in Doñana National Park to dry up. It is one of Europe’s most important wetlands. …

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Xylitol in cat drinking water reduces plaque and calculus

Cat drinking water

An interesting study1 clearly states that the addition of Xylitol to the drinking water of cats was effective in reducing plaque and calculus in their mouths. You know that plaque and calculus builds up in the mouths of cats along the gum line and is a major cause of gum disease. Gum disease is …

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How long can lions go without water?

Lion pride

Lions normally drink water every day if it is available. When researchers have observed prides of lions in the Serengeti and the nearby Ngorongoro Crater they drank after every meal. Although lions can manage without drinking water when it is scarce. Lions live in a semi-desert habitat and even in desert. Under these circumstances …

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7 common sense ways to get your cat to drink more water

7 tips on getting cats to drink more water

Because of their North African wildcat inheritance, domestic cats tend not to drink enough water. The problem is exacerbated by the prevalence of dry cat food nowadays which contains about 10% water compared to about 80% in wet cat food. They don’t compensate enough for the lack of water in dry cat food. This …

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