Domestic cat defends her kittens with extreme aggression and courage

Female cat defends her kittens

BAGCILAR, ISTANBUL, TURKEY: This is a video taken from a television screen of a community cat in Istanbul, Turkey, outside a café where a man with his small dog is walking. The female cat has kittens to protect so she instinctively attacks the man who lifts up his dog by the lead to protect …

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Cat non-recognition aggression

Feline non-recognition aggression

I have discussed this before but I have not used the phrase ‘non-recognition aggression’. The interesting aspect of this form of feline behaviour is that the non-recognition is usually, and perhaps nearly always, due to the inability of one cat who is friendly towards another to suddenly be unable to recognise the scent or …

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Senseless video of people provoking cats into aggression for the fun of it

Frightened cat on video. The cat was provoked and the person who did it should be ashamed

Except for the first segment in this video, all the other cats have been provoked into aggression by the situation in which they find themselves as created by the videomaker. In other words the intention is to provoke these cats into becoming aggressive and then filming them to make a compilation which I found …

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Human redirected aggression (towards cats)

When you search, on the Internet, for “redirected aggression” you invariably receive information about domestic cat redirected aggression towards humans. It seems that the term “redirected aggression” is associated with the domestic cat. I would like to turn that on its head, temporary, and discuss redirected aggression in humans when the victim is a …

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