Anatomy of a Cat’s Claw

This is a picture showing the anatomy of a cat’s claw. Visitors are free to use it as they wish if they think it is good enough (see base of page). I think it is not bad. The quality does not matter that much. The important thing is that cat owners fully understand the …

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Cat Anatomy

A page on cat anatomy needs to be a growing page bearing in mind the size of the subject matter. This page is just that. Simply click on the images below to go to details of the subject matter. SEE CAT ANATOMY FACTS FOR KIDS – A LARGE PAGE COVERING ALL ASPECTS. To linked …

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Peke-face Persian corneal ulcers. Infographic.

Bulging eye of the Peke-face Persian which can exacerbate the development of corneal ulcers

Peke-face Persians are particularly susceptible to developing corneal ulcers due to their prominent eyes, facial conformation, and associated tear production or drainage issues. Regular eye care and early intervention when symptoms appear are essential in managing and preventing corneal ulcers in these cats. If untreated, corneal ulcers can lead to more severe complications, including …

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Tear duct obstruction in Peke-face Persian cats. INFOGRAPHIC.

Tear duct overflow in Peke-face Persians. Featured image for article.

In a succinct infographic I explain a classic health problem associated with the Peke-face (flat-faced) Persian: tear duct overflow due to tear duct obstruction which in turn is due to a distorted facial anatomy which in turn is due to the extreme breeding of this breed as a result of decades of mismanagement by …

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Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (BAS) in Peke-face Persian cats. INFOGRAPHIC

Featured image for the BAS Peke-face Persian infographic

Once again, my objective in this infographic about another inherited disease affecting the Peke-face Persian is to make normally lengthy and complicated medical reports accessible to the general public to allow a better understanding of how, for me, the breeding of the Persian has been very wrong for many decades (‘over-typed‘); perhaps since the …

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Infographic explains why Peke-face Persian cats can be ‘dummies’

Why some Peke-face Persian cats are dummies

The infographic takes core information from a very medically technical study referred to in the infographic and summarises it in a few words. It is an example of extreme precising. The goal is to present hard-to-understand information in a very easy to understand image. It is a quick read which is suited to modern …

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