Cat Anatomy Facts For Kids

This is a page on cat anatomy written for children and people who like straightforward English. The page focuses on the important bits only as this a very big subject. The anatomy of the domestic cat which includes its muscles, nerves, bones, teeth, claws, hormones and senses, is almost perfect for hunting prey or …

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Cat Claw Anatomy Facts For Kids

This is a page on the anatomy of a cat’s claw written for children or people who like plain English. A few of the words are from the science of biology. “Nails” are what some animal doctors (vets) call the claws of a cat. This makes claws sound as if they are like the …

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Cat Anatomy of a Hairless Cat

The naked cat reveals bits of anatomy that are usually hidden underneath clothes. There are several breeds of naked cat and partially naked cats. The best known naked or nude cat is the Sphynx. I have a well known one on this page, Gunner, who has been photographed by a better known photographer, Helmi …

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Anatomy of a Cat’s Claw

This is a picture showing the anatomy of a cat’s claw. Visitors are free to use it as they wish if they think it is good enough (see base of page). I think it is not bad. The quality does not matter that much. The important thing is that cat owners fully understand the …

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Cat Anatomy

A page on cat anatomy needs to be a growing page bearing in mind the size of the subject matter. This page is just that. Simply click on the images below to go to details of the subject matter. SEE CAT ANATOMY FACTS FOR KIDS – A LARGE PAGE COVERING ALL ASPECTS. To linked …

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Domestic cats share some human behavioural traits. Infographic.

I believe that it is useful to remind ourselves that we share some behavioural traits with our cat companions as it may, in some households, help to remove a ‘them and us’ belief. Humans do like to think they are special and that they are not animals. Humans are human-animals and there are more …

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Cat tongue taste bud locations. Infographic.

I confirmed some of the information in the infographic by discussing it with AI (ChatGPT). Here is a transcript of that conversation. I started by reading Dr Desmond Morris’s book Catlore on this topic, hence the question in the dialogue. Question: Can domestic cats taste sweetness? Response: No, domestic cats cannot taste sweetness. Cats, …

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