Another reason why petting cats helps to eliminate asthma

Contact with cats in childhood helps combat asthma

There are growing numbers of asthma sufferers in the West. Thirty percent of children have allergies. Children living on farms are less likely to suffer from an allergy. I think that it is generally known now that microbes on farms help to protect children from asthma and allergies. They help to develop the immune …

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Feline Asthma

Feline Asthma – This cat photograph is here to decorate the page, no more. The photograph by Sebastián LS. © under a creative commons license. This condition is also called Feline Allergic Bronchitis. This disease resembles human asthma. The disease can be chronic (long lasting) or become a medical emergency requiring urgent attention. Cats …

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How pet dander triggers sinusitis and how to prevent it. Infographic.

We don’t see pet dander and we don’t see the other airborne particles and pollutants in the air in our homes. Dander flies around homes and settles on furniture. It carries the cat allergen Fel D1. As humans interpret their world visually, this lack of visual recognition can lead to us being complacent about …

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Infographic on ‘risk factors’ in domestic cat scratching

Risk factors in domestic cat scratching by Michael Broad The research by Dr Salgirli Demirbas, a veterinary researcher at Ankara University and team did little in my honest opinion to advance our knowledge of the reasons why domestic cats scratch in an unwanted way – people and furniture and not scratching posts which is …

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