Sphynx cats prone to developing yeast infections

There are high levels of Malassezia colonization in Sphynx cats which can cause a yeast infection called ‘Malassezia dermatitis’. The hairlessness of the Sphynx causes many problems another of which is that the sebaceous oils deposited on the skin and not the hair attracts grime and can cause stains. “They stain sheets and such …

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50% of stray cats have ear infections causing great discomfort. Are we happy to accept it?

Stray cats Italy

A study from Italy published in 2013 found a very high prevalence of otitis externa in stray cats. What is this? “Otitis” refers to inflammation of the ear. “Externa” refers to the external apparatus of the ear which means the ear canal and ear flap. So were talking about infections in the part of …

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Cat bites signs of infection – including a possible infection from a scratch

Marking the area of inflammation from a cat bite

Before I talk about cat bites signs of infection, I would like to put cat bites into perspective. A cat that is adequately socialised (raised to behave reasonably in relation to other animals and people) and is decently treated will not normally bite you aggressively. They may bite instinctively in play because, for a …

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What antibiotics are used for upper respiratory infections in cats?

Haw (cat)

The question in the title incorrectly presupposes that the cat has a secondary bacterial infection. The question is jumping the gun because bacteria might not be the cause of the cat’s symptoms. Initially, upper respiratory infections (URIs) in cats are normally caused by two viral groups: herpesvirus and calicivirus. Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses. …

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Turmeric scrub turns cat with fungal infection bright yellow

A Thai woman, Thammapa Supamas, living in Thailand wanted to home treat her all-white cat for a fungal infection on his/her right foreleg. She decided upon a treatment that is used for people: a turmeric body scrub which she had researched would successfully treat her cat’s infection. Incidentally, I note that you can buy …

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Study proves veterinarians wrong about the bacterial hazards of feeding raw cat food

Premix and raw meat cat food diet

A large, worldwide study of 16,475 households on the potential hazards of feeding raw food to your pet has proved veterinarians wrong in their advice not to feed raw foods to cats and dogs. Historically, veterinarians have advised against feeding raw meat to cats (I’ll focus on cats in this article but the study …

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