Telepathy allows pet owners to understand what their companion animal thinks

The need to touch and be in contact with their human caregiver is a sign that your cat loves you

Companion animal owners want to know what their pet thinks. They can find out through telepathy according to Nikki Vasconez but is this genuine? There appears to be an instinctive (primal) desire by many companion animal caregivers to communicate more profoundly. It can be done according to a former lawyer, Nikki Vasconez, who provides …

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What are the smartest things that a domestic cat has done?

Intelligent domestic cat

Cats have their own type of intelligence. Of course, is different to ours but in their own way they are intuitively and instinctively smart. And it must be said that they are good learners by observation. They learn by observing us and indeed copying us sometimes. Their lives are so integrated into ours that …

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What is the best location for a cat litter tray?

Cat and their cat litter tray

The first point to address is that the litter tray should be positioned to suit your cat and not the cat’s caregiver! This means that it might be better in the living room where you won’t want it but your cat might like it there. Anyway, if you live in a small apartment, it …

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Dog breeds that are good with cats?

Cats like bathrooms when occupied and used

I am going to go against the grain here and stick my neck out. It is the wrong starting point to ask if there are some dog breeds that are good with cats. It is branding dog breeds as having one character that is favorable to the cat-dog relationship. I am not saving that …

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10 tips for drama-free cat baths

10 tips for drama-free cat baths

In most cases, it is not necessary to bathe your cat regularly, as cats are fastidious groomers and do an excellent job of keeping themselves clean. They use their tongues to remove dirt, debris, and loose fur from their coats, and their saliva contains enzymes that help break down any odour-causing substances. However, there …

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Infographic on 5 dangerous things in the home for cats

This is a visual reminder that the warm, secure home that domestic cats so often enjoy can be a hazardous place. As dangerous as outside the home in some instances. It depends on the quality of caregiving. Things like the human medication in the form of a pill on the bathroom floor can be …

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