Do cats hate loud music?

Are Cat Ears Supposed to Be Hot?

Yes, domestic cats hate loud music and shouting. These loud sounds are torture to the cat’s delicate hearing apparatus. A cat’s ears are much more sensitive to sound than the ears of his or her owner. They hate noisy homes. Most cat owners who are switched on realize this. They try and keep their …

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Do cats like music?

Do cats like music?

Personally, I have never seen any indication from my cats that they like music but perhaps this is because I play human music (rarely). I’ll admit to being sceptical. I don’t believe cats do like music despite the plethora of cat music products available. I’ve never bought cat music because I don’t believe in …

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Cat behaviorist plays music and brings toys and catnip to cat appointments

Carole Wilbourn

Cat behaviorist, Carole Wilbourn, plays a special type of music and brings cat toys to her appointments with cats that she treats. She also enters the home in a very calm manner using her Reiki training. She also brings a special catnip which has been selected for the cat concerned. Before the meeting Carole contacts …

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Do Cats Appreciate Music?

I was contacted by a promoter of perhaps the best cat music you can buy on the market. It has been composed “scientifically” by a talented cellist with a distinguished career, David Teie. He has a long list of accomplishments. He is credentials for writing cat music are unsurpassed. If his version of cat …

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Classical music is purrfect for cats. Handel is best!

Music of handel is best for cats

Another study on cats and music, published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, on March 30, 2015, found that cats are indifferent to pop music, dislike heavy metal but quite like a bit of classical, particularly George Handel. Neither do cats like Cats (the musical)! And leopards don’t enjoy Def Leopard! However, …

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