Grumpy cat’s eyes can change her from grumpy to thoughtful

Grumpy cat looking thoughtful not grumpy

Although it is the strong downward-pointing anatomy of Grumpy Cat’s mouth which defines her image, her eyes have a big role to play in her appearance. Here are two images of this most famous of all cat celebrities who has made her ‘owner’ a multimillionaire. The first is the classic grumpy appearance with ‘hooded’ …

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Information About Grumpy Cat

Grumpy Cat and Tabatha

Here is some, possibly, interesting information about Grumpy Cat as at today’s date which is early November 2015. Grumpy Cat is the world’s best known cat, domestic or wild. Grumpy Cat is a moggy (random bred cat) and she is a dwarf cat with a resemblance to a Snowshoe Cat. Grumpy Cat was born …

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Grumpy Cat ascii

Grumpy Cat ascii is a form of mainly internet art (if you can call it that) which you create by only using the keyboard of a computer. A lot of people like to sign off their comments or emails with a miniature ascii artwork, usually a cat’s ears if they are cat lovers. “ascii” …

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