I’m a firm believer in the internet being good for cats

I’m a firm believer in the internet being good for cats, as well as their caregivers. I’d like to go over some of the top reasons cat lovers like us use the internet for cat welfare. At the end of this article, please feel free to leave a comment on your primary online search …

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Kitten Loses Leg in Mousetrap

This is a warning to cat owners. After reading the reports and watching the video below a mousetrap must be regarded as another potential household cat and kitten hazard. Kittens are particularly vulnerable. There are many potential hazards, believe me. Many more that people are aware of. A lot of hazards for cats at …

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White Cat Sunscreen

White cats need sunscreen when in the sun (and there appears to be more sun than usual in places like California) but currently, there appears to be no safe sunscreen lotions for cats (unless someone can recommend one in a comment). For dogs it is different but a cat owner should not apply sunscreen …

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Health Risk of a Cat Playing with a Dog

There is one significant but I hope rare health risk when a cat plays with a dog and there must be millions cats playing with millions of dogs in the USA, UK and Europe and elsewhere. When I say “playing”, I mean being in close contact. I am unsure whether this is common knowledge. …

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Cat Changes To Look Out For (health)

Your cat may not be feeling well if you notice any one or more of the following changes in your cat. Obviously you will need to rule out other reasons for changes such as environmental changes. You’ll also have to know what your cat’s normal behaviors are. As usual this means being observant and …

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Pensioner fined £125 for killing neighbours’ cats

Was this pensioner fined enough for killing cats? The exact number is probably not known but according to the story1 five cats belonging to the pensioner’s neighbours were poisoned. £125 seems a very small fine when the maximum that he could have been fined was £5,000. How many cats does a person have to …

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