Cat Vomiting – including types of vomiting for diagnosis

Feline vomiting a hairball?

Introduction I hope you find this page useful. It has been updated. One of the difficulties for a good cat caregiver is to know whether there cat is genuinely ill if and when they vomit. Domestic cats are good at vomiting. But sometimes it’s just a day-to-day matter; something not to concern a good …

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Should I give my cat food after vomiting?

Should I feed my cat after she has vomited?

The answer to the question depends upon whether your cat is regurgitating or vomiting and the kind of vomiting which is taking place. Regurgitation needs to be differentiated from vomiting so we can get that out of the way first. This topic is veterinarian’s work but cat caregivers need to have some knowledge about …

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UK police want cat owners to use GPS cat tracking collars

GPS tracking collar for cats is an item which is recommended by the UK police force.

Through one of their policewomen acting as a spokesperson, it appears that the UK police want cat owners to purchase GPS tracking collars for their cats after a spate of cat poisonings in Swindon. It seems to me, that the police want indoor/outdoor, unsupervised domestic cats to wear GPS tracking collars because it will …

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New York State animal protection laws (with comments)

New York State animal protection laws

New York State’s animal protection laws are comprehensive and extensive which is unsurprising to me as it is one of just two US states which ban cat declawing (Aug 2023). The governing politicians are progressive. Because the law is extensive, I’ve focused on those parts that concern domestic cats and dogs together with other …

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When and how to make your cat vomit to treat poisoning

Insecticides are the most common cat poisons

I think that every cat owner should know when and how to make their cats vomit. It sounds a bit intimidating but making your cat vomit is an emergency cure or treatment for poisoning when a cat ingests something which is poisonous. It should be done quickly. To achieve this the owner needs to …

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Outdoor cat problems – they are multifarious

Outdoors cats

This is about the indoor-outdoor cat debate primarily. This is a huge topic and I touch on some of those issues in this article (which has become rambling I am afraid). The debate about allowing cats outside has been raging for a long time now as at 2022. There’s been an ongoing campaign from …

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More people are keeping their cats indoors full-time but are they playing with their cat more often?

An Internet search tells me that by 2004 just over half of all cats in the US were strictly indoor cats. And, by 2014, I’m told that about 70% of cats are defined as indoors only. I am not sure that I can believe these figures. Are there that many full-time indoor cats? Whether …

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