Bengal Cat Breeders

by Jennifer Miller (United States) Here is a communication from a Bengal cat breeder to a list of other Bengal cat breeders on the subject of a heart disease that affects cats and other animals including humans – HCM or Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. The writer is Jennifer Miller of the Katznjamr cattery, located in Texas, …

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Bengal House Cat

The Bengal cat we hear about is a Bengal House cat or domesticated pet. This is currently an introductory page (things change and evolve on the internet!). You can see and read about a lot more on this page: Bengal cats for sale Please click here to see visitors’ submissions that have been made …

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Are Christians more likely to declaw cats?

by Michael (London, UK) This is a provocative question. I believe that there is a greater likelihood that a Christian will declaw his cat than an atheist. Here are my reasons. I respect the views of others as I respect all animals. Christianity has moved on, become more modern. That is obvious and it …

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