Pica In Cats

by Michael (London, UK) Cats like to eat grass – Photo by Irregular Shed (Flickr) Pica in cats means eating non-nutritional objects. Pica can affect any animal including the human animal. It affects dogs more that cats1. The condition’s name comes from the Latin word for magpie, a bird which is reputed to eat …

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Conduct Disorder Leads to Animal Cruelty

by Elisa Black-Taylor (USA) After reading what felt like the 20th animal cruelty case making the news today, I decided to do some research. My dear readers, you’re going to need a punching bag after reading this one. This story is extremely important so I’m telling it. The case that fired me up was …

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Beautiful Woodland African Serval Kittens for Adoption

Serval cub with huge ears for sound hunting of rodents in long grass in Africa

by Patrice Williams (Nashville, Tn USA) The African Serval cat is not domestic nor should one be treated as such. These magnificent animals are naturally wild by nature but fairly easy to socialize with the proper treatment from day one. Anyone who thinks they desire to have one as a lifetime companion needs to …

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