Cat Teeth

This page simply sets out, as clearly as possible, information about cat’s teeth. We are all very aware of a cat’s teeth whether they belong to one of the big cats or one of our cat companions. They look impressive. Some people are a little frightened of them, I think. This may sometimes cause …

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Cat Neuropathy, Phantom Pain and Declawing

I was having an email conversation last week with declawing advocate Susan when she brought up two facts I haven’t taken into consideration on declawed cats. I’ve recently had several people tell me their cats had the procedure and came through it with great results. Susan gave me a quick education that I’d like …

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Cat Digestive System

Cat Digestive System by Michael (London, UK) This is an overview of the cat digestive system. A clear understanding of the basics leads to a better understanding of the details in my personal experience. We all know that the digestive tract starts with the mouth and ends at the anus. That is not very …

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Cat Emotions

Update: This page was written years ago. It has value but things have moved on a bit since then. Please use the search custom search facility to find other articles on cat emotions. [weaver_search width=300] Discussing cat emotions is very difficult because we simply do not know for sure what emotions cats feel. When …

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