Pakistan: Ahsan ul Haq – caretaker of a colony of feral cats

By Ahsan ul Haq

I am a caretaker of a colony of 21 feral cats and a few of their kittens.

Ahsan ul Haq cat lover living in Pakistan

I have gone through a terrible experience with 4 abandon kittens and out of which only one is left. One kitten killed by neighbor, one by another. A third ran away with fear which I could not catch myself as she had a lot of speed but the next day I came to know by my student that an old “pious man” killed him just strangling her with a stick on her head.

I have only one kitten with me and she is filthy happy and sad

So I have caged the fourth kitten and she is grooming and eating well (see above). But I may say that no law and no rule. Yes it is very sad and we Pakistanis must accept the truth if we want to see Allah subhanahu wa tala’h with a pretty smile or otherwise get ready for a beautiful burning HELL FIRE. 🙁 Thanks for the article Michael. May Allah guide us towards the sayings of Holy prophet SAW and not towards a land to protect.

The basic is that why do we human beings hate any animal who needs us and saying even not a word and disturbing even not a second of our private lives.

Michael I just cried a lot and I am still broken but am ambitious to bring more and more feral kittens at home and bring them up for their welfare sake. Allah helps me inshallah ameen. I will share my experiences about ferals, I have a deep love for ferals 🙂

Here I share some pictures of feral cats who are regular visitors to my home. They often spend the night in groups but as I had kittens, they stopped visiting me but I still go to them and spend my time upto 4 hours a day regularly.

She is grey beauty and she is pure feral with big claws and aggression (see below), but sure not with me 😉

She is grey beauty and she is pure feral with big claws and aggression

Just want to share here that where I live, we have no vet service, if there is a shop of vet 12 KMs far from my residence, it’s always CLOSED.

Now after every effort I have decided along with my three daughters to do a basic course of veterinary for cats and kittens.

Unfortunately there is a private institution in an other city, which we can not go to because of our work.

Do you or someone know, an online basic vet courses or certificates, I mean distance study online type so that no one of us leaves Pakistan or truly speaking, we don’t want to leave our sweet home 🙂

Is there some way, we can serve these tiny creatures of Allah by obtaining any certificate online about cats and kitten’s medicines or latest research equipments needed for emergency so that we altogether can have our cats neuter/spayed.

We have no such services and if we have in Lahore or Karachi (big cities), they are very costly and I am unable to afford them. I want to become a welfare doctor of cats (not for money but for their well being). Please guide me , thank you.

I will keep sharing so that every Pakistani on this planet may know the truth about ferals insha Allah, ameen.

Of course I will share more with pictures now but I am really sad because I have only one kitten with me and she is happy and sad due to a full loss of her brothers and a sister kitten. We are just together now 🙁 Allaah may give her a long life ameen.

This is my tom cat SAJID

This is my tom cat SAJID (see above), AAaaah a kitten raised by me but he decided not to stay with anyone. He is very dangerous but he is my regular tom cat. I love him as he loves me too. It’s only me who is allowed by him to pet him on this planet earth. Others stay away 😀 h

TUMTUM pic 2


My male alone feral SOLO CAT TUMTUM

Here is my male alone feral SOLO CAT TUMTUM (see pics above). He was a kitten when I raised him as he was beaten terribly by some idiot here. I just caged him and when he became a harsh hunter and rude fellow, I released him so that he can enjoy his own life and give a great lesson to his stone thrower or beater and that is what he does now but he is my regular guest and now adopted by my one neighbour. I tamed him and he is a daily visitor to me as my neighbor does not mind it if I check him a bit or love him as he is my boy.

She is PINKY and she just loves me a lot 2

She is PINKY and she just loves me a lot

The pictures above is PINKY and she just loves me a lot because I have raised her from the kitten hood. She visits non-stop thrice a day and once at night. She rubs her head with my legs/arms and is a lap kitty. I love you PINKY

67 thoughts on “Pakistan: Ahsan ul Haq – caretaker of a colony of feral cats”

  1. Michael, is there a way to test the western union with few dollars before sening bigger amount? Ruth, can we maybe approach Paw Project with this to see if one of the vets can help teach or somehow teach and certify him? This has tugged on me all day. Michael, you were able to help Mollie Ann and now that I’m working a part time job, I’m saving to have my other declawed girls paws xrayed. Hers are worse as I’ve already sent one paw pad picture to Dr. Doub, but I also was the one who gave the okay to have it done 11 years eyes will never rest until every cat in the world no longer fears life!

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