Is this the pure authentic "DOLL-FACED PERSIAN CAT" breed from Iran from which all "Persian cats" heve been bred? Today we have 2 distinct Persian cat breeds A)The Doll Faced Persian and B)The Peke(Flat face) Persian.
Manny cat breeds, most notably the Turkish Angora have been crossbred over the years to produce the present day doll-faced Persian and ultra Persian. See photo's of my Persian feline "Matahari" on this website to understand my reasoning of "cross-breeding".
I have put 2 photographs of Matahari, one as a 8 month kitten and second at the age of 2 yrs and after delivering her own pack of 6 kittens!.
Notice the difference in the cats physiology. Matahari has been bred in Mumbai.
Jun 18, 2009
Hi, thanks for sharing by: Michael (PoC Admin)
I am pleased to receive a submission about a gorgeous Persian cat in a fine photograph by an Iranian when you both live in Iran, formerly Persia. The whole thing hangs together really nicely.
I see that you are a photographer and web designer. Nice to meet you. This is a link to your website: